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  1. #1
    Steroider is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2005

    Exclamation any one know this stuff ( DROSTANOLON ) !!

    hey guys , i was with my source and he shows me some new stuff , maybe new to me , ( DROSTANOLON ) it comes in 10 ml ampoule 100mg/ml

    he told me its a blend of parabolan and sone thing else , any body can tell me any thing more about this stuff plz ..

  2. #2
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    Jan 2007
    Drostanolone is Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate )

  3. #3
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    Your source is retarded.. I personally wouldn't feel comfortable buying anything from someone that knows less than me.

  4. #4
    Steroider is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Dude-Man
    Your source is retarded.. I personally wouldn't feel comfortable buying anything from someone that knows less than me.
    around here , no one knows any sh!t , and almost all stuff r faked

  5. #5
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Steroider
    around here , no one knows any sh!t , and almost all stuff r faked
    Then this the chance for you to become the local guru. Order one of the steroid books, lots of good stuff there.Plus you don't have to serch through 100's of posts to find something.

  6. #6
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Dec 2002
    Your source is retarded.. I personally wouldn't feel comfortable buying anything from someone that knows less than me
    This is a very good point man, shit, a while back there was a local guy who was offering stuff and he didnt even know what Eq was, never heard of it either..complete moron, i know he didnt last long...


  7. #7
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Njord
    Then this the chance for you to become the local guru. Order one of the steroid books, lots of good stuff there.Plus you don't have to serch through 100's of posts to find something.
    There are the steriod profiles on line as well.

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