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Thread: Cycle Questions

  1. #1
    reaktorblue is offline Junior Member
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    Cycle Questions


    I'm a beginner to AAS and just in the research stages. I'm in the process of working on my dieting as I have the workout in check already so for the time being I'm trying to get a grasp on my knowledge of AAS so that when the time is right, I'll have all of the pertinent information to make an educated decision.

    As of right now, I'm under the understanding that the best syringe for injectables would be a 23 gauge 1-1 1/2" apparatus, with 3cc case. If and when I decide to use them, which wont be any time in the near future however, I'll most likely inject via the gluts as I'm sure thats where most are injecting anyway.

    The cycle I was thinking of doing after I get my research done and everything in check, which wont be for anytime in the near future was this:

    12 Week cycle, each week 400mgs of Test-Cyp, each day for 4 weeks, 20mgs of D-Bol, and 10mgs of Nolvadex each day.

    How does a cycle like this seem? I'll most likely be stacking this with T3/Clen as well when the time is right. Also, one of the major questions I have since I'm a bit nervous with the injections, do you insert the needle all the way or the tip, etc.

    Again, I'm just doing the research for right now so any and all information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    in bold.

    Quote Originally Posted by reaktorblue

    I'm a beginner to AAS and just in the research stages. I'm in the process of working on my dieting as I have the workout in check already so for the time being I'm trying to get a grasp on my knowledge of AAS so that when the time is right, I'll have all of the pertinent information to make an educated decision. Very impressive and i applaud your patience and decision.

    As of right now, I'm under the understanding that the best syringe for injectables would be a 23 gauge 1-1 1/2" apparatus, with 3cc case. If and when I decide to use them, which wont be any time in the near future however, I'll most likely inject via the gluts as I'm sure thats where most are injecting anyway. Actually the more experienced users will usually choose the shoulder (delts) as they are, in most cases, completely painless and easy to reach. In this case u would pull the oil from the vial w/ a larger gauge such as 19-22g, then change the pin on the syringe to a sterile more suitable pin. i.e. 1in25g for delts.

    The cycle I was thinking of doing after I get my research done and everything in check, which wont be for anytime in the near future was this:

    12 Week cycle, each week 400mgs of Test-Cyp, each day for 4 weeks, 20mgs of D-Bol, and 10mgs of Nolvadex each day.
    you dont need to use the nolva at all during cycle.. just have it on hand incase signs of gyno manifest themselves but usually for that situation u would want an AI such as arimidex or letro.

    How does a cycle like this seem? I'll most likely be stacking this with T3/Clen as well when the time is right. Also, one of the major questions I have since I'm a bit nervous with the injections, do you insert the needle all the way or the tip, etc. yes, you can

    Again, I'm just doing the research for right now so any and all information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  3. #3
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    you don't need the dbol for your first cycle.

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by testisbest
    you don't need the dbol for your first cycle.
    lol you dont need test either but people still use it

    personaly i would use the dbol as for me test is kinda boring..

    but yes if ur going to go by the text books it shud be a single compound but meh ><

  5. #5
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    I just don't like the sides from dbol and for a first cycle, the test he's got could be bunk or underdosed which could be bad news for the gains off the dbol.

  6. #6
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by testisbest
    I just don't like the sides from dbol and for a first cycle, the test he's got could be bunk or underdosed which could be bad news for the gains off the dbol.
    if test is bunk weiner wont become bullet proof.. and some people get no sides from dbol . as for the no gains off he dbol this is very unlikely unless he is totally irrelevant to wat test is capable of. but yes u have a point and i aggree fully but dam test only is so boooring ><

  7. #7
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    I didn't mean he won't get gains off of dbol , he just won't keep any if his source gives him bunk test. I agree with you that a long ester test can be pretty boring for the first month but that buys him more time to get his diet and workout fine tuned.

  8. #8
    reaktorblue is offline Junior Member
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    How often or common is it to get bunk doses? I guess thats another obstacle that I will have to deal with when the time is right. Sometimes its difficult to find a reputable source because lets face it, lol, this aint ebay and we dont all have a rating system lol

  9. #9
    reaktorblue is offline Junior Member
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    As for the syringes, I was going to get them from ARR, providing that when I'm ready they still are in biz, etc. My question now is this, do you have to do a conversion to measure your dosage in mcg with the dosage on syringes in cc's?

    I know I'm still gathering all of the answers to make an educated decision so all of the help that you guys are pouring into responding to my post is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  10. #10
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    what has mcg, your clen ?

  11. #11
    reaktorblue is offline Junior Member
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    One of the places that I was on discussing Test-Cyp dosings was explaining them in mcg, I think it was that way for the D-Bol as well. This struck me as odd, not so much with the D-Bol since if I'm not mistaken are tabs, but the Test was liquid so mcg as a liquid to me was odd.

  12. #12
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    the test is for example 250mg per ml. one ml equals one cc. and dbol can be in pill form, powder form, capsule form, and liquid form.

  13. #13
    DrHacksq is offline New Member
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    My first was Test Cyp and Debol, and it absolutely kicked as*! I did 300-500 mg Test a week, and can't remember the Debol (oral). I was 19, 6'0'' and 189 at about 12% bf, and in 10 weeks (should have done 12) was 215 and 8% bf. Bench went from 285 to 365! So, the moral of the story, HAVE fun.

  14. #14
    t_machine7 is offline Junior Member
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    I dont mean to Hijack this thread...but DrHacksq I am in almost the same exact scenario you were in body weight...age...bench, same height almost same compounds..except I have Test enan. I would greatly appreciate if you could gimme some advice. What did u do for PCT?

  15. #15
    DrHacksq is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by t_machine7
    I dont mean to Hijack this thread...but DrHacksq I am in almost the same exact scenario you were in body weight...age...bench, same height almost same compounds..except I have Test enan. I would greatly appreciate if you could gimme some advice. What did u do for PCT?
    I was an idiot and tapered off for 3 weeks and did it cold turkey!!! Don't do that! Folks here and on other forums with a lot of PCT experience can help you with that. But HCG and Nolvadex will be for you.

    I freakin pumped up like a maniac! Make sure you eat a lot of top quality food, and stay in a positive nitrogen balance 24-7 and go 12 weeks is my suggestion! There is nothing quite like that first time if your stuff is real!

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