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Thread: PROP 1st cycle

  1. #1
    carter's Avatar
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    PROP 1st cycle

    My goals are to build lean hard muscle, with limited bloat. This will be my first cycle and I want to know if the short acting ester Test Prop is a good choice.

    I would probably run it EOD for 10 weeks @ 100mgs.

    What are people opinions regarding using Prop for a first cycle. It seems that Test Enanthate seems to be the popular choice for first cycles, considering the longer half life and that it is most like the natural testosterone already in my body. But considering my goals, wouldn't Prop be a better choice? Let me know what you guys think.

    And don't flame me or you'll be sorry...

    And.... GO GATORS

  2. #2
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carter
    My goals are to build lean hard muscle, with limited bloat. This will be my first cycle and I want to know if the short acting ester Test Prop is a good choice.

    I would probably run it EOD for 10 weeks @ 100mgs.

    What are people opinions regarding using Prop for a first cycle. It seems that Test Enanthate seems to be the popular choice for first cycles, considering the longer half life and that it is most like the natural testosterone already in my body. But considering my goals, wouldn't Prop be a better choice? Let me know what you guys think.

    And don't flame me or you'll be sorry...

    And.... GO GATORS
    I think the boys are gonna need your stats, First cycle, means virgin muscles, eod shots of prop could be pretty painful, depending on the brand you get .. personally i love prop..

  3. #3
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    No flaming aloud bro...LOl...we need your stats for better advise but...prop wouldnt be bad..but the frequency of injection could turn into a pain the a$$(no pun intended)...Ed injects would be better IMO...but you can get away with EOD...just know your nutrition will play the major part in what you look like...

  4. #4
    SNUKA's Avatar
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    if u never took a shot before prop would not be the one you want to do first. if you are gonna do prop for 10 weeks you might as well just do it for 4 weeks as a kick start and use a longer ester like enanthate or cypionate the whole time. this cuts down injections this is good because you have no experience with needles and you can basically stick to quads, delts and glutes cause they are the easiest in my book just make sure u rotate sites. i found that i hated doing more than twice a week injections, but now i love doing more its like second nature.

  5. #5
    Fjock is offline Associate Member
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    I would say enanthate for first cycle because if you are not used to the pain prop gives, you are in for a rude awakening.

  6. #6
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock
    I would say enanthate for first cycle because if you are not used to the pain prop gives, you are in for a rude awakening.
    Noy every prop is painful, i used 2 different brands, one was human grade, one was ugl... So maybe if he has it already he could post a pic in the pic section #1 see if its legit # 2 if its painful... And i do agree prop can be a real mother fvcker, i was just real lucky when i got mine..

  7. #7
    xaviercory's Avatar
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    I'm going to be straight up with you. Its not the injections you have to worry about its when you take a shot in the glute , quad and you can't walk for a week. Dont even think about shooting in your calf. I made that mistake. If you still want to go with a test try entanthate with some letro if your scared of bloat. I have 5 bottles of the prop just collecting dust until i get some b-12 or grapeseed oil to cut it.

  8. #8
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Most first time users dont make it past teh first 2 weeks with prop

  9. #9
    king6's Avatar
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    I'm using prop @ 100mg/ed. I shoot quads, delts, glutes, and pecs. The only thing that hurts is the pec shots. I am also using painless prop from a UGL. After using prop, I don't think I can go back to a slow ester. I think the next cycle will be either prop, or suspension, and tren ace.

  10. #10
    xaviercory's Avatar
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    Hey King i know we cant talk about UGL's up here but did your's come from Greece because I started of using the Mexican brand with no problems but when i crossed over to the east europe stuff it's killing me. Have you ever tried cuting with grapeseed oil before?

  11. #11
    king6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xaviercory
    Hey King i know we cant talk about UGL's up here but did your's come from Greece because I started of using the Mexican brand with no problems but when i crossed over to the east europe stuff it's killing me. Have you ever tried cuting with grapeseed oil before?
    No, mines domestic UGL, pretty popular one. His prop is painless. Not suspended in EO, but painless just the same.

  12. #12
    Fjock is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xaviercory
    Hey King i know we cant talk about UGL's up here but did your's come from Greece because I started of using the Mexican brand with no problems but when i crossed over to the east europe stuff it's killing me. Have you ever tried cuting with grapeseed oil before?
    Mines from greece, im very much thinking about cutting it with something this next time around.

  13. #13
    carter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    I think the boys are gonna need your stats, First cycle, means virgin muscles, eod shots of prop could be pretty painful, depending on the brand you get .. personally i love prop..

    Okay, some very good information already in this thread....

    My stats:

    Age: 26 (next month)
    Ht: 6'00"
    Wt: 203 lbs.
    bf%: 11% (roughly)

    I've been a competitive swimmer on the collegiate level until i was 23 yrs. old and been lifting (as my only source of fitness) ever since. I am married with one kid.

    Im really thinking about the Test E and letro idea... And i understand how important excersise and diet really play into it how the compound works for you. I really didn't put much thought into the fact that i'll be a pincushion for 10 weeks on Prop. Why is Prop more painful inj. than others? I don't understand that one. Also, would anyone recommend Masteron as a first cycle AAS? I know its not Test, but........from what i've seen, heard, and research.. it would certain build HARD muscle.. Thanks again guys.

  14. #14
    carter's Avatar
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    Everyone just seems so damn passionate about Prop and what it does to you.. Tren , too. I know tren isn't smart for a first cyce, but if i can handle the pokes, maye prop is the way to go..

  15. #15
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carter
    Everyone just seems so damn passionate about Prop and what it does to you.. Tren, too. I know tren isn't smart for a first cyce, but if i can handle the pokes, maye prop is the way to go..

    Well if you are set on prop, then you may want to have some other test on hand like Enanthate or Cyp just in case you don't waste a cylce. If the prop hurts too much you can try to cut it with sterile oil or b-12
    and if it still hurts too much then switch to Test E or CY and add an AI if you are worried about bloat

    Good luck

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Well if you are set on prop, then you may want to have some other test on hand like Enanthate or Cyp just in case you don't waste a cylce. If the prop hurts too much you can try to cut it with sterile oil or b-12
    and if it still hurts too much then switch to Test E or CY and add an AI if you are worried about bloat

    Good luck
    good advice..
    Last edited by RUI-Products; 03-16-2007 at 09:39 PM.

  17. #17
    Mighty Joe's Avatar
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    Prop is King!

  18. #18
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    Im on second cycle prop/tren . Yes the shots are killer in the qaud, but delt isnt so bad for me. It ofcourse depends on the person. Your probably like me and gonna go ahead with the prop. Good luck

  19. #19
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    I'm using prop @ 100mg/ed. I shoot quads, delts, glutes, and pecs. The only thing that hurts is the pec shots. I am also using painless prop from a UGL. After using prop, I don't think I can go back to a slow ester. I think the next cycle will be either prop, or suspension, and tren ace.
    I coudnt agree with you more prop rules, i also got a domestic ugl totally painless... Maybe the same ugl ???? Not to many out there that are painless, and thats a shame cause the pain turns people off, and its really great stuff...

  20. #20
    installer's Avatar
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    I have a question to people looking at this thread .. im getting ready to use prop for the first time ... how does it compare to andropen275 as far as painful? When i was going to start taking that everyone said how painful it was and i tell you what the only pain i had was the first few days after my first shot.. my leg was so sore i was limping around like a little girl ....

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