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Thread: How Much To Eat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Question How Much To Eat

    when on a cycle for bulking how many calories should be consumed. i am 5'8 , 150 lbs an have been lifting for around 4 years. feedback would be nice. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    New York
    multiply your bodyweight by 20. So at 150lbs you should be getting atleast 3000calories a day atleast. you can maybe do 5 meals a day at 600 calories each meal or 6 meals w/ 500cals a meal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    if u have a hard time eating tons of food, look into weight gainers, take one on the mornin like 1000 calories. My boy is puttin on mad mass just takin them without AS. stuff your face bro.

  4. #4
    at 5-8 150 lbs you sound like an ecto.and 3000 calories isnt going to put mass on you,try 4500-5000,also eat 300 grams of protien everyday

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    New York
    Originally posted by 4plates
    at 5-8 150 lbs you sound like an ecto.and 3000 calories isnt going to put mass on you,try 4500-5000,also eat 300 grams of protien everyday
    You think at 5'8" 150lbs he should be eatting what some of our 6'2 225lbs guys eat ? Maybe your right I don't really know.
    Could you explain alittle into detail why you think this? Only because you would consider him a hard gainer?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    new york
    4plates is right at least 4000 - 5000 cals per day. Eat 6 to 7 meals a day. And 3000-350 grams protein .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    if you wanna be 225 lbs you gotta eat like your 225lbs!!!!!

  8. #8
    4000 for sure!

  9. #9
    Originally posted by flex321

    You think at 5'8" 150lbs he should be eatting what some of our 6'2 225lbs guys eat ? Maybe your right I don't really know.
    Could you explain alittle into detail why you think this? Only because you would consider him a hard gainer?
    from personal experience,used to be 150 at 5-8 also,when trying to gain mass i used to eat 3000 calories and about 1.5 g protien per lb
    i found i didnt get any size from this minimal amount of calories,even when cycling!
    i found that the size didnt come until 4000-5000 cals were eaten.
    im now at 5-8 180 lbs and 9%-10% bf.
    i used to try to eat clean but found it hard to get this amount of calories from a clean diet,so now its burgers ,chicken parm,chocolte cake etc...and lots of it.i have and so i think other ectos have the ability to bun fat and calories just walking from couch to the kitchen
    so 3000 caloris isnt that much.some call us hard gainers but i dont think its that hard,(kidding).its really hard but this is what i have to do

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    so i should pretty much eat everything in sight and not even look at the label if im trying to put on the muscle. ?

  11. #11
    thats what i do as far as calories , but i like to count grams on protien.i eat 260-300 g a day,tuna,chicken,tuna,and oh yeah tuna

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    what is the best thing to do for protein , because i have a hard time gettin the many g's of protein

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    chicken,steak,egg whites, whole eggs, fish, protein shakes, protein bars, cottage cheese, milk, bulls testicles

  14. #14

    did i mention tuna

    each can of bumblebee tuna has 37 g of protien.remember the amount on the can is per serving and theres 2.5 servings in 1 can.
    im not saying eat 9 cans a day,but if you wolf down a few aday it adds up.i eat my tuna quick,.what i do is eat it from the can,i hardly even chew it a wash it down with that 1-2 hrs after your 2-3 chicken breasts which has about 20-30 g each(fat ones).gulp down your 60 g shake x2-3,your breakfast and dinner and your on the this is where the calories come in since what you just ate only had about 1500 -2000 depending on the calorie content of you shakes.
    now your ready to eat what ever the hell you want.cake,burger king,pizza,snacks and even a nice relaxing O'DOULS is loaded with calories.
    now go slap on a lobster bib and dont forget to double dip it in butter

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    thanks plates. shit its gonna be work. but its worth it

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