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Thread: Injury help please, this hurts.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Question Injury help please, this hurts.

    I was doing T-Bar rows 2 days ago and on my last 2 reps of my last set I felt some discomfort in my left shoulder (front delt area). Now for the last 2 days I occasionally get what feels like a pinched nerve in my shoulder joint on my left side. When ever this pain happens, it sends a pain down into my center/lower left pec and all the way up behind my left ear through my neck, it also impairs my movement in my neck and my arm/shoulder area. The pain doesn't leave until I manage to maneuver my arm to my side and shake it up and down until I feel something in my shoulder pop. After the pop, the pain is instantly gone and the movement returns to normal. I am thinking a pinched nerve but why the pop to help the pain and discomfort go away, maybe a tendon problem. If you guys can’t help I am gonna go see my Doc if it continues.


  2. #2
    Go see your DOC ASAP!! That sounds pretty serious bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    try icing it and taking some aleve during the day maby backing off your workout for a day or two and letting it rest, i had a pain in my tri now for about a month and finally it is starting to heal.
    what did was ice it, took off a week, took 2 aleve's per day, and got plenty of glutamine and cretine in my system also took my daily multi-vita. i did this for the last 2 weekd and my arm is getting a hell of alot better. when the injury happen i was being stupid and kept on working out on it and not giving it time to heal itself

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Damn bro that really sounds serious. I'd stop lifting completely if I was you until you figure out whats don't want to make it worse, trust me. I was sidelined for 5 months and was in constant pain because I tried to "work through" an injury. Anything with shoulder and around neck area you don't want to fuck around with. See a specialist, don't see you normal doc and exaggerate the pain. Tell them you are getting shooting pain down your arm sometimes (just on the phone tell them this, when you have your appointment be honest). This will make them take you right away though, so you don't have to wait 3 weeks for an appointment. Again emphatically ask to see a specialist bro. A regular doctor won't be able to do shit for you. Until then throw ice on it, and flexall. That might help a bit.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The strange thing is that it doesn't hurt all the time so ice probably won't help nor aleve. It usually happens when I reach for something or when I put my deodorant on or any type of cross body movement with my left arm. Then it is in like a kink of some kind, once I pop it away it no longer hurt at all until it happens again. It probably happened about 15 times throughout the day today. I'll call my doc tuesday and get in by wednesday and ask for a referal to a specialist.

    Thanks for the advice and concern.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    hey bro see your doc or even better yet your chiropractor.I didn't beleive in chiropractors until my back pain and shoulder pain got 90% better . Just make sure if you do see a chiro that he is good ,i dont beleive in the cracking and sending you home method. And well docs will push pills which is good for pain but doesnt do anything to cure the problem.

    So it's your call bro but definitely see one of them.Dont fuck around with nerves and shit like that.
    good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by heyherc
    The strange thing is that it doesn't hurt all the time so ice probably won't help nor aleve. It usually happens when I reach for something or when I put my deodorant on or any type of cross body movement with my left arm. Then it is in like a kink of some kind, once I pop it away it no longer hurt at all until it happens again. It probably happened about 15 times throughout the day today. I'll call my doc tuesday and get in by wednesday and ask for a referal to a specialist.

    Thanks for the advice and concern.
    I am no doctor but it sounds like your problem is muscular. If I had to guess I would just say you are really tight around that area, possibly have a muscle imabalance (are your front and rear delts balanced? how is your mid back, like rhomboids and "lower" traps? are your shoulders medially rotated (do they roll forward?)). This is probably causing your shoulders to not track properly and hence why you get the clicking. This really isn't that serious of a problem, if this is the case, if you stay on top of it and don't make it worse. I'd still throw ice on it to reduce any inflammation that might be occuring.

    A deep tissue massage therapist might be in order or a physical therapist. Make sure you see a good one though, if you need help selecting a good one, like knowing what questions to ask to get a feel for them shoot me a PM and I'll help you out. I've had tight shoulders for a while, I had a serious neck problem and a torn ligament in my hand in the past couple years. All of those injuries were basically cured by me backing off lifting and seeing a massage therapist, my regular doctor and even specialists didn't help very much. I also saw a chiropractor for my neck injury, but for now I would hold off on this as it does sound muscular.

    Again I am no doctor but from my experience this is my opinion and this is what I would do if I were in your shoes. A family member of mine is a massage therapist and I get regular work done and often talk to him/her about my problems to better understand them. Also do you stretch before and after workouts? I've found with my shoulder tightness if I do 5-10min cardio prior to stretching before my workouts it helps a lot. Also warmups sets for every exercise is a must. Do you warm up your rotator cuff prior to any chest, back, or shoulder work? If not this could be why you are experiencing problems also. My guess is there are several things causing this problem as usually with muscle tightness it's not just one piece, there are generally many factors. Feel free to PM me about getting help selecting a massage therapist as there are a lot of really bad ones out there who can make the problem worse! Good luck bro!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Well I did chest earlier tonight and skipped the flys for fear of aggrevating it. I did both flat and incline dumbells though and went lighter than usual using 100 pounders and felt no pain or discomfort at all with the pressing motion. I will do arms tomorrow but will take it easy for sure.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    is there a knot over theshoulder say in the area on top that connects the colar bone.
    sounds like a dislocated ac joint--the game said go to chiro--good advice
    i have dislocated my ac joint and it sounds simular to your problem--felt like a knife sticking me on top of shoulder. my chiro is a sports dr as well and has helped me through many injuries (i power lift and fight ju jitsu)
    they can do different tests of movement to see where week and adjust it right back in

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