I was doing T-Bar rows 2 days ago and on my last 2 reps of my last set I felt some discomfort in my left shoulder (front delt area). Now for the last 2 days I occasionally get what feels like a pinched nerve in my shoulder joint on my left side. When ever this pain happens, it sends a pain down into my center/lower left pec and all the way up behind my left ear through my neck, it also impairs my movement in my neck and my arm/shoulder area. The pain doesn't leave until I manage to maneuver my arm to my side and shake it up and down until I feel something in my shoulder pop. After the pop, the pain is instantly gone and the movement returns to normal. I am thinking a pinched nerve but why the pop to help the pain and discomfort go away, maybe a tendon problem. If you guys can’t help I am gonna go see my Doc if it continues.