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Thread: all about!!!!

  1. #1

    Question all about!!!!

    Great board by the way. Ok, i have a few cycles under my belt( test, deca, russian d-bol) but frankly its too expensive for me. Fina sounds great plus its really cheap if making it your self wich is exacly what i want to know. i done lots of reading but still got a few questions left unanswered. I basically want to run it 75mg eod for the first time and 75mg ed maybe the second.

    1--- its said that 4g kit is what to be used. true?
    2--- there are finaplix-h BOXES and CARTRIGES. is it possible to use cartriges? if so how many vials can you get out of one cartrige.
    3--- how long can the final product be stored for?

    thanx in advance for any input.....tim

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    a 4g kit you will need 2 carts, the final product will yield anywhere from 49-53 ml from 4000mg of finaplix.
    i would spend the money and get an 8g kit, you would need 4 carts for this, the 8g kit would make about 100-105 ml of fina.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    G-S Guest
    Originally posted by ibiza69
    a 4g kit you will need 2 carts, the final product will yield anywhere from 49-53 ml from 4000mg of finaplix.
    Not if you get your kit from finakits. That will yield you around 40ml, but at a strength of 100mg per ml.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by Gettin Stupid

    Not if you get your kit from finakits. That will yield you around 40ml, but at a strength of 100mg per ml.
    i was refering to animals kits, which would yield 49-53ml at 75mg/ml. the its are also very good.
    remember the lower the amount of oil the higher the consentration. i have heard of people who have made 150-200mg/ml fina.

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