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Thread: Too many quality calories??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Too many quality calories??

    Is it possible to consume too many quality calories? I recall a post in which an experienced member, 4Plates, told a junior member who was an ectomorph, just like himself, to eat a good 300g of protein and a good 5000 cals. Im not sure if i speak for myself, but i have no problem eating that everyday and 95% of my cals come from solid food. Seeing i do have some bodyfat on me, id prob. consider myself a mesomorph, should i chill out on the cals? i love to eat, which is why i enjoy bulking cycles where i can pack on so much weight, but i read the post and wondered if it was just too much. i prob consume, on average, between 4500-6000 cals/day with a good 275-350 coming from protein. the rest are all complex carbs, fruit and vegetables, nothing processed, and healthy fats like pnut butter, olive oil, animal fats, etc. i dont wanna lose potential gains like every1, but i dont wanna end up a friggin cow in the end. after a month, im up about 15-17lbs. on my test/dbol/eq cycle. i also take .5mg of liquidex ed. and do cardio (wind sprints) 3-4x week. any others in my situation feel free to share experiences and any1 elses comments are welcome, thanx


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    depends on your goals(bulking/maintaining/cutting) and metabolism. if you're a endo or sometimes even a meso, then you need to eithier be more strict on the diet or do more cardio. if you wanna stay lean, i suggest watching the total cal intake..maybe reduce some carbs to lower total intake. maybe try some ECA, clen, t3, or DNP...just some substances to ponder. diet is #1 in achieving your goals tho. sounds like you eat well, so thats why i suggested some supplements to aid in your fat burning.
    Last edited by PaPaPumP; 08-05-2002 at 12:36 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Thanx Papa, i was actually going to run xenadrine thruout my cycle but feared that i would potentially lose a little mass in the process, but if it keeps the fat down, ill take it! i was actually ideally hoping to run t3 at low dosages for awhile seeing that it does have a synergistic effect with gear due to increased utilization of proteins but my source can get it anymore. damnit... anyways, ill prob. up the cardio a lil', supplement with eca, and if i can, get some t3, thanx


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