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Thread: quick question about test dosage

  1. #1

    quick question about test dosage

    Hey guys, I have been doing some research for this question, but haven't found any solid answers, so please post your opinion. I am just starting another cycle. I am 5'9 185lbs and want to break 200. My cycle will consist of tt enth, dbol, eq, fina. my question is about the test.

    I was thinking of starting with 200 mg test on my first week and increasing 100 mg. per week until i got to 600mg per week. After that i would go down 100 mg per week until i got back to 200 mg.
    Basically a pyramid of test.


    Should I just stay at a steady weekly test intake, lets say 500 mg per week.

    By the way I am about to go home and inject 500 mg and love it, so please post your response and if there is an educational thread, point me in that direction.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    i would definetley run the the test at 500mg for the entire cycle, maybe with a 1gram frontload for the first 2 weeks. pyramiding is oldschool, because with a pyramid you would not have a steady level of test in your system. also the test has to have a chance to build up in the blood, to start working; remember enanthate take about 4-5weeks to kick in, so using the pyramid system would take longer for the test to take effect.

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