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Thread: Progesterone and Armidex

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    There is no place like ho

    Progesterone and Armidex

    Hey guys, I don't know if any of you read Anabolic Insider (Jeff Summers), most guys think he is a crack pot, personally I don't know what I think about him. My question is, in his latest issue talking about Armidex and Progestrone w/ substances like Deca, he suggests that Armidex will help with Progestrone while Nolvidex will not (which I know already). The main question I would have to ask is if anyone has any evidence or case studies that armidex will defend against Progestrone?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002

    I can't seem to find the article for this, but i will keep searching. I could remember a study done showing that progesterone will only become a problem when estrogen levels are high. The study didn't state that arimidex will protect against progesterone sides, but it did state that arimidex could keep estrogen levels low enough to where the proesterone side would be kept at bay. I'll keep looking and post it when/if i can find it.


  3. #3
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    Thanks AZ Lifter. Anyone else with any comments or articles?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    bump for more answers

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    bump again.. come on guys.. anyone???

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Here is a study posted by animal on his board. The thought process is that estrogen is a necessary component to the proliferation of PR gyno in a multi receptor stimulation. This study shows that in the prostate an anti-e stopped the multi receptor activation which is the same with gyno(meaning that PR gyno is cause by multi receptor stimulation). Basically by controlling estrogen and/or lowering IGF-1 you can stop progesterone gyno.

    And here is the ultimate showing exactly as I said, that PR receptors are in the prostate.

    At the end of the treatment all patients underwent transvesical prostatectomy. Prostatic tissues were used for binding studies, and @#%$ receptors were evaluated in the nuclear and cytosolic fractions using Scatchard analysis for androgen (AR), and estrogen (ER) receptors or enzyme immunoassay for ER and progesterone receptors (PgR).24 Two classes of binding sites, one with high affinity low capacity and the other with low affinity high capacity, were identified. In the untreated group, ER was higher in the nuclear fraction than in the cytosol. ER nuclear fractions were positive in the immunoassay in 14 cases and ER cytosolic fraction in 12 out of 17 cases. In the BPH group treated with Serenoa extract, ER nuclear fractions were negative for both binding in 17 cases, while the cytosolic fractions were negative in 6 of 18 cases. Similar results were obtained for PgR, with the treated group being significantly lower than that of the untreated group. The results of these experiments showed Serenoa treatment significantly lowered nuclear estrogen and androgen receptors in the prostate, indicating that saw palmetto=s effect might be mediated through receptor down regulation, therefore minimizing estrogen and androgen action.24

    And read the title which means that an ANTIESTROGEN and not a DHT blocker or P blocker can stop prostate problems and seeing that such is a multi receptor activation as is gyno, you block one and the problems stop. EOD! Thank you very much and a standing ovation is not needed!

    24.Di Silverio F, et al. Evidence that Serenoa repens extract displays an antiestrogenic activity in prostatic tissue of benign prostatic hypertrophy patients. Eur. Urol. 1992;21:309 314.
    Last edited by Rickson; 08-05-2002 at 07:25 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Okay Rickson, I read that thread and understood about 0 of what it suggests. I think the article is saying "Yes" Armidex can help with PR gyno? Is this correct? Anyone care to break this down for dumbazzes like me who can't understand what the hell that article states?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Yes the article is saying that if you believe that is how PR gyno works. There are some really bright guys on both sides of this argument and I am not bright enough to choose yet. I have yet to see anyone who has PR gyno problems who has said taking arimidex has stopped the problems. I would like to see less studies and more real life experiences from mods and vets. I don't get PR gyno at any dose levels I have used so far so unfortunately I am not a good test subject.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    I hear ya Rickson, that is my reason for posting a question such as this. I myself, would like to hear from more scientific and real life studies.

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