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Thread: clen confusion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Central, NJ

    clen confusion

    Just finished my second cycle of sus 500mgs and deca 400mgs/week for 8 weeks. Added a solid 22 pounds and now am weighing in at 225. I am 6'2 12% bodyfat. I am currently 2 weeks past my last shot and will be starting my clomids next week. I was considering doing another 4 weeks of brovell deca at 400mgs a week to add a couple more pounds. Would that be smart? Also, I have 150 pills of clen and am debating taking them because summer is almost over. Planning to start a big bulking cycle in january. Should i cut the fat with the clen now to start bulking, or just hang on to it. Does it go bad? Any information would help. Thanks a lot bros.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    dont do any more gear, let your receptors get back to normal. If you want lose some weight now (fat that is) and when you start to bulk again in jan you will gain that much more with the second cycle (IMO)
    good luck

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