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Thread: Need Advice on my first Cycle

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Need Advice on my first Cycle

    My am currently new to this board, this has been the most informative board I have read to date. I will be starting my first cycle in two weeks. I ran a search to try to find someone with my same specs, though, everyone is different so it didn't pull up the results I needed. I was going to use deca/dbol for my first cycle. Below are my current stats as of now.

    Age: 18
    Weight: 187lbs
    Height: 6'0
    Training: 2 1/2 Years
    Bodyfat: 11-13%

    If anyone could develop an excellent cycle for me I would appriciate it. I want to have large gains in mass and somewhat cut aswell. I have a proper diet and train hard everyday. Also, what kind of results could I see using this cycle, being my build. Thankyou for your time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    I think it would be smart to wait a few years. You still have a butt load of natty test running through your system. It's practically a natural cycle.

    If your not waiting:
    I would suggest using test as a base to stack with that deca.
    This is a cycle that would give good gains
    Wks 1-11 400mg Test
    Wks 1-10 400mg Deca
    Wks 1-4 30mg dbol
    Clomid Wks 13-16 on a 300/100/50 split
    Nolvadex on hand for test gyno(Estrogen)
    Bromocriptine on hand for Deca gyno(Progesterone)
    Arimidex if bloat is a concern and/or for added protection against estrogen induced gyno.

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