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  1. #1
    iggyh28 is offline Junior Member
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    Tren And Weight Gain

    Im am concerned that I'm doing something wrong or maybe its that Im comparing my current cycle to my first cycle. The reason that Im concerned is that it will be 4 weeks of my cycle wich is tren -a @ 400mg/week , test-e @ 350mg/week and test-prop @ 350mg/week also Im on HGH 3.5 IU/day 5/2(will be two months on wensday) and I have only gained about 6 pounds wich happened in the first two weeks and sense then nothing else wich leads me to believe that its water weight.

    My deit is clean but its the same or better than last time (around 3000 cal./day). An example of my diet is:

    meal #1 ten eggs (one yoke) ham one cup of oatmeal
    meal #2 two cans of tuna and a pack of wholegrain crackers
    meal #3 a protein shake with some almonds for fat
    meal #4 one chicken breast with rice and black beans
    meal #5 whole grain pasta with ground beef lean
    meal #6 post work out weight gainer shake mixed with protein (50g)
    meal #7 tuna or chicken breast with vegtibols a little bit of rice
    meal #8 vegtibols or chicken or tuna little to no carbs

    I train hard 6 time per week examp.

    day#1 quads and hams
    day#2 chest and abs
    day#3 back
    day#4 shoulders and abs
    day#5 by's, try's and calvs
    day#6 off
    day#7 start over

    I thought that with tren-a I would have seen more gains. Also Im pretty shore that the tren is real because I switched sources about a week ago to my origanal source of my first cycle.

    Im 5' 9", 195, 14 % BF 25 years old my goal with this cycle was to gain lean musle and then eventually cut up with the HGH after the cycle

    Do you think that because of the HGH that Im takeing that Im going to have to eat even more because I think its making me smaller but more cut?

  2. #2
    2deizel's Avatar
    2deizel is offline Associate Member
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    well keep in mind your not going to gain like you did off your fist. also did you give proper time off from your last cycle. also your not going to see much weight gain with hgh but it will make you leaner. and for the tren -a that also leans you out. i always loose fat off tren so you actually may have gained more then 6lb but just lost some fat to. i would bump the test up to 500 mgs or even maybe 600. and add a little more to meals 1and 2 and now its hard but try getting in 3500-4000 calories a day. and for your workout may be over training some you need to rest to grow.

  3. #3
    jf18t is offline Banned
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    imo to much training, need to rest a lot more and like 2 deizel said eat more thats the only thing that will help you gain muscle. try this

    day 1:chest,tricep,abs
    day 2:back,bicep
    day 4:shoulder,calves,abs
    day 5:legs
    day 6ff
    day 7ff or start over

  4. #4
    jf18t is offline Banned
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    sorry but forgot to mentioned:after your workout try to put a good amount of carbs in your meals cause meal 7 is not enough for a post workout meal.Need carbs to gain

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    in the gym
    are you getting any tren sides yet? Imsomnea, night sweats, nightmares? I also think you need another off day. 1 day isn't enough. Your diet seems ok, you deffently need more complex carbs. I'm questioning your gear at this point in all honesty..

  6. #6
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    When did nightmares become a normal side for tren ?

  7. #7
    BigGuy5420 is offline Associate Member
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    i got violent ass dreams on tren , almost every single night after my 3 weeks on. they were very realistic and i was killing random people in alot of them , sure enough a little while off of tren i had no more tren "nightmares"

  8. #8
    iggyh28 is offline Junior Member
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    I do have this dam cough but I dont know if its the tren , its not right after I shot but through out the day and night, my insomnia has gotten a little better but that could be the HGH thats helping me sleep.

  9. #9
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    jesus 6 days straight a week...? i lift 3 and when i start another cycle i MIGHT lift four days a week every other day off etc....u need rest man not saying thats the prob but it could be part of it

  10. #10
    iggyh28 is offline Junior Member
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    I dont know why every body is always saying that you can overtrain when on cycle because I feel that by the third day Im totaly recoverd sometimes I hardly get sore at all and I know one pro that trains twice per day and he is huge (every musle twice/week)

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    in the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by iggyh28
    I dont know why every body is always saying that you can overtrain when on cycle because I feel that by the third day Im totaly recoverd sometimes I hardly get sore at all and I know one pro that trains twice per day and he is huge (every musle twice/week)
    1 days rest is overtraining my brotha. When do your muscles grow? They grow when you sleep and repair themselves. All the fibers you tear durring your workout have to regenerate. If your constantly tearing your muscle fibers your not gonna grow. period.

  12. #12
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    Not all training days are created equal. I do one muscle group once a week,abs ed, calves eod, and there is some overlap to muscle groups because I like multijoint lifts. I can break that into a 5 or 6 day routine -with the 6th being a focus day on calves, forearms and abs. I do that on or off cycle and seem to seem to do fine. When I go through a max weight lifting phase though I need to take a two week break after two months cause I get to beat up.
    Last edited by jagdpanther; 03-21-2007 at 05:20 PM.

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