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  1. #1
    boarderpro1's Avatar
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    clen t3 combo or tuna diet to get more lean

    so i was thinking of running a tuna type diet or trying a clen t3 combo from arr but i was reading and it said any one 150lbs plus should not eat more than 12 ounces of tuna every 9 days what do u guys think i was thinking of tryin a strictly water tuna and veggie diet for 6 weeks... or try the easy route with the clen t3 combo just wondering what u guys think cause i dont want to mess myself up by consuming to much mercury

  2. #2
    MrMe's Avatar
    MrMe is offline Member
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    If they are talking about the mercury in the tuna or something like that, dont worry about it, youd have to eat much more then just 12 onces to get poisoned

  3. #3
    newconquest is offline Associate Member
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    yes "they" are talking about mercury, and its called mercury poisoning from eating to much tuna, and "they" are the FDA, and "it" (mercury poisoning) is very serious and should not be taken lightly...
    as incredibly healthy as tuna is, i would avoid a tuna only diet...good luck

  4. #4
    MrMe's Avatar
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    Ive seen so much about this in the past and ive also eaten allof of tuna and nothing never happened. I think its well over rated

  5. #5
    boarderpro1's Avatar
    boarderpro1 is offline Junior Member
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    so you dont think it would work for cutting bf if it was my entire diet other than veggies and some bcaa drinks ? i was thinking 5-6 cans daily for 6 weeks plus veggies and shakes

  6. #6
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    a strictly tuna and veggie diet sounds like a bad idea to me. you will initialy loose water weight as your body depletes the glucose stores in your body
    and then tries to maintain them at a lower point. After that any weight lost will be in an even ratio of muscle and fat unless you're on AAS. Your energy and therefore your workouts will suffer.
    This type of diet may work well several weeks before a competition with a target date and a small window were its effects are maintainable. At least that is what I've read, I don't compete. I've only tried this type of diet a few times and I don't think it has any long term benefits. I think its better to try and increase muscle mass and make small but maintainable changes in
    diet and life style. Pickup another physical activity outside of the gym that you enjoy doing, then do it 2or3 times a week. Make a small change in diet
    if your used too putting a tablespoon Peanutbutter on your toast in the morning try a teaspoon. Eat whole wheat bread and pasta instead of products made from enriched whilte flour.
    If you need/want to loose in a hurry make the changes and run the t3(with some AAS). That way hopefully the T3 will give you quicker results but they will be more maintainable because of the small but permanent changes in diet and lifestyle. Crazy diets have made me yoyo in the past. I don't like clen so I don't use it but that is a personal matter.
    As far as the easy way out, a fad diet is another easy way out cause you don't address the original problem. Again this advice is geared towards a long term goal if on the other hand your competing in several weeks and have no intent on maintaining go for it either would help.

    my 2 cents anyway.

  7. #7
    MrMe's Avatar
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    I wouldnt go on a tuna only diet, not sure why you would do that, your going to go crazy....

    Quote Originally Posted by boarderpro1
    so you dont think it would work for cutting bf if it was my entire diet other than veggies and some bcaa drinks ? i was thinking 5-6 cans daily for 6 weeks plus veggies and shakes

  8. #8
    boarderpro1's Avatar
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    well yes im on aas now and i dont have any bloat really i just want to lose more body fat i do cardio twice daily except days off i just wanted to try something else to get over the edge rather than resort to another drug. im on prop and tren ace now and they seem to be working rather well... i just want more cut basically

  9. #9
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    When i first started lifting i had my diet ALL WRONG i would run anywere from 3-5miles a day and lift for atleast 2hours ED.My diet consisted of 3hard boiled eggs and 1-3 cans of tuna. I ended up crushing my immune system and got staph and celliouitus(I know i murdered that word) and TSS from poison ivy that turned into a abcess. The reason of this was not just my crazy ass work out schedule but also my bs diet. ur body needs more than just tuna and a few veggies to suppot its self. unless u hate ur muscles i would not recommend it.

  10. #10
    boarderpro1's Avatar
    boarderpro1 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for the input

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