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  1. #1
    saucemonkey52 is offline Junior Member
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    1st cycle-Sustanon vs Enthanate-

    now i have a big question to ask... im 20 years old... about 6 years lifting about 2 serious years with proper diet im 185 lbs eating about 3k cals right now will bump it up when cycle starts to 4k-5k. This question dosent concern my diet. My source can get sustanon 250 karachi amps and i understand taht test e is a better choice but i do not want it for a couple reasons...i dont think my source can get that and i really dont want to hold more water with it + i dont wanan wait till about 7 weeks in to start seeing results. yes i understand the unstable blood levels with sustanon but i wanted to inject 2x weekly and wanted to know what days monday fri? or monday thur? this will be my first cycle... im not ready to start but i ned information to build a steroid base for sustanon 250 500mg/weekly for 10 weeks with proper pct... cuz i duna when to start pct with unstable blood levels!!!


  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Sust has 4 different esters Test E has ONE. If you are not going to shoot sust at least EOD then why bother having your blood levels all over the place which can cause more sides. Also you can get bloated on Sust just as easily as on Test E. So it is a good idea to have an AI on hand if this becomes a problem

    Its never a good idea to base a cycle on what your supplier can get you.. that is a bit reckless and foolish.

    the kick in time for sust is going to be about the same as test E unless you are gonna shoot it ED or EOD

  3. #3
    saucemonkey52 is offline Junior Member
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    i knw how they work its all test is the same just depends on what este is attatched to it which effects its realease time.. believe me i know but i have heard that sustanon will not have the same estrogenic effects as test e becasue of the 2 fast acting ester not staying active long enough to convert to estrogen. as opposed to test e where it is active int he system longer, thus holding more water. thsi is just a question im not critiquing anything your saying just lookin for advice

  4. #4
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by saucemonkey52
    i knw how they work its all test is the same just depends on what este is attatched to it which effects its realease time.. believe me i know but i have heard that sustanon will not have the same estrogenic effects as test e becasue of the 2 fast acting ester not staying active long enough to convert to estrogen. as opposed to test e where it is active int he system longer, thus holding more water. thsi is just a question im not critiquing anything your saying just lookin for advice
    what kinda adivce are you looking for? btw, sust has 3 short chain esters and bloat will have a lot to do w/ diet. if you are going w/ 2 shots a week better to go w/ enan, even that will fluxuate a little.

  5. #5
    saucemonkey52 is offline Junior Member
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    im lookin to bulk but on hand i can get sustanon .... i do like the idea of the short acting esters andt hen the 2 longer esters... i mean sou nds lliek a miracle tho i know its not.. but would 2x a week keep my levels good enough?

  6. #6
    jaydub's Avatar
    jaydub is offline Senior Member
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    wait.. where am I?..
    if you're gonna shoot it eod the give it a try. I personally would take test e over sust any day of the week. I didn't like sust, and it seemed I had more sides from sust than from a single ester test

  7. #7
    saucemonkey52 is offline Junior Member
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    test is test tho is it really a diff side effect wise

  8. #8
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saucemonkey52
    im lookin to bulk but on hand i can get sustanon.... i do like the idea of the short acting esters andt hen the 2 longer esters... i mean sou nds lliek a miracle tho i know its not.. but would 2x a week keep my levels good enough?


    Look, you need to understand that Sustanon was developed for HRT only, not for bodybuilders!!!!

    The low dose of HRT makes it ok to take a shot of sust once a week, once every other week or even once a month in some cases.

    If you are gonna take advantage of its esters then EOD is the way to go

  9. #9
    BIG BEE is offline New Member
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    My first ever cycle was around the age of 22 and i took sus for 10 weeks and everything was fine. just take the precausionary measure with nova and use clomid at the start of week 8 or 9. you will be please with your cycle. I gained about 15 pounds of mass but i followed up about 2 1/2 to 3 months later with a bottle of deca and never skipped a beat in my training with size or strength. good luck ands remember this is your 1st time doing this you will see good results.

  10. #10
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saucemonkey52
    test is test tho is it really a diff side effect wise

    You really are NOT ready to be doing this!!!!!

    yes test is test, but different esters cause different sides and you should understand all this BEFORE jumping into this

  11. #11
    saucemonkey52 is offline Junior Member
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    so are you saying that sustanon will cause more sides then test e mg for mg? just questions =)

  12. #12
    BIG BEE is offline New Member
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    i agree if i could go back i would have waited until i was older for one but you are your own person. so just try to get as much info about this and be safe with it. these drugs can be very powerful

  13. #13
    saucemonkey52 is offline Junior Member
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    so there is no proven to say that you are more prone to side effects with sustanon 250 than test e mg for mg?

  14. #14
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by saucemonkey52
    so are you saying that sustanon will cause more sides then test e mg for mg? just questions =)
    MG per MG its the same dam thing its TEST w/ a gay ester attached.

    the thing is you have 4 different esteres releasing at different times causing more fluctuations in blood levels which MAY or MAY NOT induce sides.
    this topis is beatin to death over and over as well as stabbed and shot.. do a search i swear 50 effin % of the threads on this forum are Test vs Sust ><

    a lil initiative will go a LONG ways

  15. #15
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Quote Originally Posted by saucemonkey52
    so there is no proven to say that you are more prone to side effects with sustanon 250 than test e mg for mg?

    it would be impossible to state a fact on that as everyone can react a little different and there are too many factors involved that can effect the results

    Predisposition to Gyno
    High Blood Pressure
    ect ect ect

    The only fact are

    You can either deal with 4 different esters running around in your body to release Testosterone

    You can deal with ONE and only ONE ester and know exactly how you will react to the ONE ester instead of guessing which of the 4 esters of Sust is causing you any bad sides.

    In either case, a smart person who has NO clue how his body may or may not react would take every precaution in the world as this is the one and only body you get.

    I would have an AI on hand incase of signs of Gyno or bloating along with
    a full regimen of PCT compounds to make recovery a breeze

  16. #16
    Snrf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saucemonkey52
    so there is no proven to say that you are more prone to side effects with sustanon 250 than test e mg for mg?
    omg people like you make me want to scream.

    SMAN has answered you multiple times, you remind me of columbus.

    you've had an answer, you didn't like it, repeating the question will not get you a different answer.

    sust has different esters and if injected twice weekely will most likely cause more side effects.

  17. #17
    Snrf's Avatar
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    damn u two beat me to it...bastards makin me look like a parrot

  18. #18
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    The reason you get more sides with sus is because if you shoot it 2x/week your blood levels will not get stable like with test e. Lesss stable blood levels=more sides. Your reasoning that it won't convert to estro as much due to the short esters is wrong also. Also be prepared for some wicked pain from sus. I used Organon Sus for my first cycle and it hurt worse than the test e I was on. Could not sit on my ass for a week. If you want to shoot EOD and have more pain and the same gains go with SUS. If you want easy injects with no pain and less injections go with test e.

  19. #19
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    I need to get mavis bacon for my typing speed.

  20. #20
    Snrf's Avatar
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    yeah bro me 2, Tai and Sman made me look like a parrot...u joined the party even later lol

  21. #21
    saucemonkey52 is offline Junior Member
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    pretty much sums it up thanks guys

  22. #22
    saucemonkey52 is offline Junior Member
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    so then would you say to get my hands on some test depot? or what test enth. do you feel is the best

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