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  1. #1
    boarderpro1's Avatar
    boarderpro1 is offline Junior Member
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    my sides from ??

    ok im having the following sides not sure exactly what the culprit is tren ace or prop... what im experiencing is insomnia and im lethargic... sexual activity is fine to start then crashes midway through and cant get back up.. also ive been feeling like im having some sort of shaking goin on but not always. also in the gym i start really strong and also crash near end of cycle not sure if its the tren endurance prob or not. the final side is a rash around my shoulders and chest its red and slightly raised and blotchy... im not sure what the cause of these sides are but thought id let u guys know to give me some opinions

    test prop 700mg weekly

    tren ace 560mg weekly

  2. #2
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boarderpro1
    what im experiencing is insomnia and im lethargic... sexual activity is fine to start then crashes midway through and cant get back up
    i get insomnia and lethargy from tren . I used to think that acne was the worse side but the insomnia beats the acne hands down. As for sexual activity, provided I had enough test, the only problem is that finishing becomes difficult and I will wear myself and chicky out long before I have any hope of completion. Endurance is down that does happen. Playing tennis today became a serious endurance endevour. My rest periods between sets may be a little bit longer when lifting, but that also depends on the type of lift.

    As for the rash and such hasn't happened to me from tren.

  3. #3
    boarderpro1's Avatar
    boarderpro1 is offline Junior Member
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    anyone experience shaking like my whole body feels like im going in to some type of shock every now and then is it maybe because my body needs more food? i eat then i feel hungry 1 hr later or could it be because increase in metabolism is why i feel so hungy and shakey i dunno any experience or opinion with that would be appreciated

  4. #4
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    Feb 2007
    I get shaky from lowblood sugar levels. I feel a little dizzy and light headed from that as well. As for training -low blood sugar will definatley have an impact. just thinking maybe you start the work out off with enough blood sugar but then use it up causing you to run out of steam.
    Low blood sugar is one of the reasons I don't believe in those no carb diets.
    Your brain also runs on glucose.

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