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Thread: Need some help regarding getting on a cycle

  1. #1

    Question Need some help regarding getting on a cycle

    I am very active in working out and lifting. I have been trying for some time to lose excess weight and build up my muscles a bit more, but for some reason I can't get past my current state and was thinking about getting on a cycle. My goal is really to slim down and build my size a little bit, but not masive, just a decent, good build, with definition. I have been hearing a lot about winthrol. Many have suggested the use, many have tried to steer me away from winstrol depot. The reasons run anywhere from saying that winstrol depot doesnt work, to its really one of the worst out there. What do you suggest I do? Should I stack winthrol with anything if I do decide to do a cycle? If you have any suggestions on how to cut down fat and build muscle and definition with a different roid, please let me me out here.
    Last edited by gsweb13; 08-05-2002 at 05:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    welcome. the people telling you that it doesn't work probably aren't taking it correctly. to get full benefit from the product, winstrol MUST be taken every day at 50mg. at worst you absolutely have to take it every other day. it has a real short half life. being that you are new to this forum, i suggest you doing a search on winstrol and half life. the search button is in the top right hand corner of the screen. this site and the members will help you but you will have to do a little work yourself. i reccomend reading all related posts and drug profiles for the next few days before you decide to do anything. the world of AS isn't simple. if you are not up to speed on diet info and cycle strengthandlength before you start, you could really waste your money and more importantly, damage your body. welcome, but please take advantage of all the good info availible here before you post a message like that. it drives the senior members crazy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I agree. Do some research on your own, look at the drug profiles. When you figure something out, post it and we will help you refine it! Good Luck Bro

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