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  1. #1
    SHRED'D is offline New Member
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    Mixing questions before 1st cycle

    Hey guys, about to start 1st cycle. HGH, deca and trenbolone . HGH 3 iu's every day, deca and tren 1cc each once a week. Can tren and deca be administered together at one time (mixed) ?
    Just hate pain in the form of sharp objects hahaha and figured instead of two times a week i could mixx and just do one.

    Im 6'-00" at 160
    I have very very little body fat and all in all fairly fit.
    Work out a couple times a week
    Eat clean but i know not enough... will have no choice but to force that!
    Does this combo listed sound right for me? I want to add just a bit of size but mainly want that shredded defined look.


  2. #2
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    Six feet at 160 is really small and GH needs to be run at least 6 months. Deca and tren by themselves is not a good idea for a first cycle if at all.

  3. #3
    outlawtas's Avatar
    outlawtas is offline Junior Member
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    1. Your nowhere near your natural potential
    2. Deca and tren ? Did you do ANY research at all???

  4. #4
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHRED'D
    Hey guys, about to start 1st cycle. HGH, deca and trenbolone .Not a good idea by any means. Tren isn't a beginner's AAS. HGH 3 iu's every day, deca and tren 1cc each once a week. Can tren and deca be administered together at one time (mixed) ? Is it Tren E or A?
    Just hate pain in the form of sharp objects hahaha and figured instead of two times a week i could mixx and just do one.

    Im 6'-00" at 160You have a lot of growing you can do naturally. 6'0" 160lbs isn't a good base at all. Your body won't be able to adjust to all of the mass you are going to put on. IE it will be hard to keep.
    I have very very little body fat and all in all fairly fit.
    Work out a couple times a week
    Eat clean but i know not enough... will have no choice but to force that!Diet needs to be 100% BEFORE use of gear
    Does this combo listed sound right for me?No, it doesn't. I want to add just a bit of size but mainly want that shredded defined look.

    You can do a lot with a good diet and more training. You need to have a base to build off of. Also you mentioned nothing about PCT. Do you know what that is? Not trying to be harsh, but those are the facts.

  5. #5
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board sir.

    Now put the needle down, and hang out for a bit. You have some reading to do...and it starts in the Diet Forum.

    We will only give you the advice that is best for your long term success in this lifestyle.

  6. #6
    SHRED'D is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist
    You can do a lot with a good diet and more training. You need to have a base to build off of. Also you mentioned nothing about PCT. Do you know what that is? Not trying to be harsh, but those are the facts.
    PCT... post-cycle therapy? i have read a bit about it and from what i understand, this takes place after course of steroid use ... used to put the bodies hormonal state back to normal as fast as possible.... is this correct?

    I have always been thin.... no matter what i eat or do. Father was thin too lol. I work 2-3 times a week. cardio 2 days a week. I have a runners make and have played soccer for 18 yrs. I have been taking muscletech celltech and nitrotech over the course of 6 mnths. My metabo is thru the roof all the time.

    I am here to get advise and your advise im taking as i am new to this. I was set up with trenbolone acetate TA-100 , nandrolone ND-300 and HGH. This was advised from a few guys ive known for yrs. and who build professionally.
    Worries me that they have been doing this for sooo long and that i have mixed reviews here.... im going with the majority and thats with the guys here.

    All and any info will not be disguarded,
    thanks guys

  7. #7
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    ok, welcome to AR

    the reason you are NOT ready to cycle is you have no clue how to eat to grow.

    Steroids are not magic. you may put on 10-15 lbs running that cycle, and then you are gonna lose most of it after.

    you need to eat even more when using steroids then when not if your goal is MASS

    HGH is a longterm thing and not real good for adding lots of mass compared to its price
    Tren is NOT for a first cycle nor is it for a 2,3,4th cycle either

    at 6 foot you should be able to reach 200lbs+ before ever touching a steroid
    if you can't then it is your DIET

    Layout a typical days meal here and we will show you why its wrong.

    I am trying to gain mass right now
    I am eating whole meals every TWO hours
    that is 8 meals a day at least
    I dont' like it
    its not easy to plan
    it takes COMMITMENT

    BUT IT WORKS===== I am up 25 lbs already

  8. #8
    SHRED'D is offline New Member
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    Ok, my typical days meal plan:

    2 bowls Oatmeal with fruit, 6 egg whites, 2 peices wheat toast plain, one fat free yogurt, glass of milk followed my approx 500 ml water. Sometimes i substitute more eggs for oatmeal.

    Mid Morning:
    low fat cottage cheese and pineapple slices, dried fruit as snack, protien drink and maybe a salad low fat italian dressing plus more water.

    usually 3 grilled chicken breasts or fish ie. white fish or salmon, rice white or brown depending, potatoes sweet or regular plain, salad, cottage cheese pinapple slices, steamed veggies, water.

    Mid Day:
    Same as mid morn but may throw in a chicken breast or chicbreast salad and a protein bar.

    Same as lunch for the most part.

    Usually my celltech / muscletech, fruit, water, yogurt, dried fruit. I eat lots of fruit and also drink lots of water along with milk, OJ and apple juice.
    Also take a multi vitamin every morning.

    Where i work we have food prepared for us. The cooks will cook whatever you want and as much as you want..... so thats nice. Not the same as if i were cooking my own food but this is what i have to work with. They serve lots of italian foods too. I have the luxury of eating anytime i want as much as i want. The list above, i feel as though im stuffing myself hahaa.
    What would you guys suggest as i have never really been on a intense workout eating plan.
    Thanks for the advise guys!

  9. #9
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    I played soccer also and graduated HS at 5'9 140 and now I weigh 195. It can be done. I did one cycle when I was small at 160 and gained well but was not really ready and ended up losing it all. Benn natty up untill a little while ago but had to cut cycle short. IMHO doing gear that young and without a base slowed my progress down.

  10. #10
    SHRED'D is offline New Member
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    My Typical Meal Plan

    Remember im not looking to be huge lol. I just want to add a bit of weight along with the cut look. Was told that the listed gear would deff get me there in a shorter period as long as i keep on a clean diet and work out every other day with taking a couple days off in a row as my rest period.

    Once im on a good eating plan for a while, is any of what i have to take suggested? I just called my buddy who suggested the above gear... he said he has had guys start on the exact same gear and had amazing results. He did say that between cycles i may loose some of my gains as my frame doesnt lend itself well for packing mass but that since im not looking to scare everyone who comes into sight and just looking to get that Aborcrombie- magazine cover look, that the listed will deff get me there.

    I feel if i could gain approx another solid 15 lbs in a shorter period of time, i would be thrilled! I am truely not looking to get "BIG" and have nothing against the guys that are looking for that. I just want a lean cut look.

    Remember, im going with the majority and they are with this site!

    Thanks guy!
    oh yaeh... my original question...just so i know... can u mix the deca and tren in one shot? thats how this all got started hahahaa! but im going with your advise here! THANKS!

  11. #11
    SHRED'D is offline New Member
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    Im 33 yrs old. Im at 165.... not 160....not that the extra 5 lbs makes a difference hahaa

  12. #12
    SHRED'D is offline New Member
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    Also, i understand that HGH is something that needs to be used over a period of time. That will not be a problem as i would plan on using it for the nessicary time once i reach the time i should start it.

  13. #13
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    Your diet doesn't look terrible, but it can be tweaked. Add in another meal or two. If your diet isn't working as it is, then you aren't taking in enough calories. If they make you whatever you want at work, then up the amounts of the food and try to eat all of it. As far as your Tren goes, no it can't be used in your cycle. Its an advanced AAS. Everyone is going to tell you that you need to eat more to gain. Like I said at 6'0" 160lbs, anything you would gain from AAS would be hard to keep, because your body can't adapt to all of that mass in that short of a time.

    The gear you have right now, I would just hold onto for later.

  14. #14
    SHRED'D is offline New Member
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    Ok, well, at least i have it for later right? ha!
    Ya, thats my typical meal day.... like i said, i feel like im stuffing myself with that amount! eat more? hehehee i will see if i can find somewhere to store it! lmao!
    Is there any suggestions on anything that will help give faster results than just dieting and normal workout?
    My buddy just put his girl on HGH at 1 iu to start and now after a mnth, she is on 2 iu's. She is have great results and really starting to show gains in her abs and bi's. She has always worked out but since the addition of the HGH, she is "breaking thru" i guess u could say.
    While typing this, my buddy called and he said he spoke with a couple other guys he trains with at gym well known world wide hahaha better than a "silvers" medal winner......lmao, yes im sure you got it.... anywho, he said that he doesnt see a problem but not to mix the tren and deca ....he was told of my physical build and he said to go with the HGH and deca 1st.... later working in the tren after i have had some time to build. He also said to eat lots! and to rest every other day!

  15. #15
    SHRED'D is offline New Member
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    Does the above suggestions sound ok as far as the hgh and deca ? later on working the tren in? the deca is ND300 and the tren TA100. When should i consider starting HGH and Deca? since Tren is advanced, i will deff hold off on it till im ready to put it into motion. I didnt think my eating was bad, just figured it wasnt quite enough. Like i said i feel like im going to puke hahhaa after stuffing myself.
    Any suggestions?

  16. #16
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    If your going to run a cycle, run a long estered Test like Cyp or Enanth at 250mg 2x a week for 12 weeks. The Deca is gonna shut you down hard, as it is a 19-Nor. This means that getting an erection is going to be a challenge to say the least. Also make sure you run a proper PCT. Just for the record, I don't think you are ready for AAS, but if you are going to do it anyway i'd rather you did it the right way.

    Some reading material for you: PCT by Anthony Roberts, Bulking Diets in the Diet Forum, the steroid profiles & educational threads. Also, make sure you run everything your friends, "the bodybuilders", tell you through these forums. Your friends don't sound like they know too much, seeing as how they set you up with Deca, Tren & HGH for your 1st cycle. Most people here are knowledgable about AAS and will help as long as you put forth the effort.

    As already stated HGH needs to be ran for a minimum of 6 months at 4 ius a day. The 4ius is only for health and small gains.

    Tren shouldn't be used until at least your 4th cycle IMO. So just put it somewhere safe.

    Wait to run Deca until your 2nd cycle.

    With all of that out of the way, it is time for you to do your research. Utilize the search bar at the top of the page for your questions and read everything I recommended. Good luck.

  17. #17
    SHRED'D is offline New Member
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    Thanks Titleist,
    I will deff read all that material. As for my buddies, whether they know what they are doing or not? i dont know haha as im new to all of this. I can say they deff appear to know as they look like sherman tanks! and have been experimenting with gear since the early 90's. This is why i have come here, for a second opinion before starting anything. They are my connections for the gear. What should i ask for when looking into PCT? i know, if i read i will find out hahaa!
    HGH, im looking at 4 mnths worth sitting in front of me...thats at 3 iu's a day.
    Is it better to take HGH in the morn as your body produces it at night when in a deep sleep.
    Just trying to pick everyones brain! lol

  18. #18
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHRED'D
    PCT... post-cycle therapy? i have read a bit about it and from what i understand, this takes place after course of steroid use... used to put the bodies hormonal state back to normal as fast as possible.... is this correct?
    ouch.. so you didnt really know what a pct was.. good thing Titleist asked

    good luck researching

  19. #19
    SHRED'D is offline New Member
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    Thats why im here bro... to learn before jumping. I have read a bit about pct but wasnt sure of its full importance.... im LEARNING thta it is very. Im not going to start this till i have alot of research under my belt. Ya i jumped the gun on getting some gear.... but it will come in handy, in time.
    So, if ya have any advise on things i should consider, read or research, plz say.
    The big one im struggling with is the HGH. Seems like everyone is getting on this... people are looking at it like its the fountain of youth.... i know it takes hard work to make any gear worth while...
    but people are having good results with it from what im seeing and reading.
    I dont want to be BIG. I want to be cut, no more no less. With getting cut i will put on a bit of size... but dont want to be big. Overall im happy with what i have other than the lack of definition. Im just looking for a way to help excellerate it.

  20. #20
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHRED'D
    Thats why im here bro... to learn before jumping. I have read a bit about pct but wasnt sure of its full importance.... im LEARNING thta it is very. Im not going to start this till i have alot of research under my belt. Ya i jumped the gun on getting some gear.... but it will come in handy, in time.
    So, if ya have any advise on things i should consider, read or research, plz say.
    The big one im struggling with is the HGH. Seems like everyone is getting on this... people are looking at it like its the fountain of youth.... i know it takes hard work to make any gear worth while...
    but people are having good results with it from what im seeing and reading.
    I dont want to be BIG. I want to be cut, no more no less. With getting cut i will put on a bit of size... but dont want to be big. Overall im happy with what i have other than the lack of definition. Im just looking for a way to help excellerate it.
    sorry if i came off as an ass.. just saying..

    but hey dont worry im in the same boat as you

    im thinkinking about doing test e for 12 weeks..500 a week twice a week.. and the last 6-8 weeks .. 50mg of winny a day.. but still researching..

    good luck to you

  21. #21
    SHRED'D is offline New Member
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    Didnt think that at all.... just trying to be clear on my position and experience with all this...which is absolutely none! haha!
    Seems like the guys at the local gym are willing to start people off with gear to advanced.... they sware by it for me but im hearing different here.
    The gear i have right now, is there any of it that i could start? even in small doses.... i know i seem a bit persistant with this.....just sucks the $ sunk into it and im just going to look at it for a while hahahaa.....
    Is the HGH to advanced for me right now? I did alot of research on it last night. Lots of peeps jumping right into the HGH without a solid base and getting results. Remember, if i can obtain 10-15 total solid lbs and keep that along with cutting a bit, im thrilled.
    PCT..... this is going to have to come from a "source" right? not any of these online bullcrap places right.
    If i were to start on HGH, what would be the biggest drawbacks?
    I know im beating this dead horse with a stick....sorry lol and i am reading and researching too.
    Thanks again !

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