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Thread: Deca and Tren

  1. #1
    trut31 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Deca and Tren

    Alright guys I no that taking Deca and tren together is not the best mix if your looking to stay away from Gyno. But if you take Bromo and Arimidex would you be able to mix the two or would you still be likely to get gyno?

  2. #2
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2002
    arimidex would not help with the progetrone from these esters

  3. #3
    trut31 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I know that arimidex will not stop progesterone but I ve ready many posts that say prolactin is the culprit in tren and bromo will keep prolactin levels in check. So if prolactin is not a factor then it would be just the deca i would need to worry about, right?

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