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Thread: Tren "Fina" + Equipose = Hives?

  1. #1

    Tren "Fina" + Equipose = Hives?

    I was just wondering if anyone else as experienced what I have the last two times I've lifted. Two days ago I hit legs very hard. I got home and ate dinner and about an hour later noticed my leg muscles were aching. I went to bed with pain and it just increased as the night progressed and along with the excruciating pain came hives around my waist and arms. I took a muscle relaxer and pain killer so I could sleep. The next day I was still sore but the hives were gone. I took this day off and slept well with no side effects. One Thursday (yesterday) I was ready for my shot of both Tren and Equipose so I took my shots and all day I was fine. I hit the gym Thursday night doing chest and tri's. I got home clean up the kitchen, made dinner, ate and then lay on the couch to watch basketball. Within 45 minutes laying there my tri's started hurting. I fell asleep on the couch and woke up and went to bed. Laying in bed my tri's where on fire and I just wanted to scream. My hands felt swelled up, my wrist hurt and my triceps where unbearable. I got up to use the computer so my girlfriend wouldn't get suspicious of my tossing and turn and when I got to the bathroom to pee I noticed hives everywhere, way worse than the first night. All around my waist and ass, my whole chest and back area and then coming down my arms. I've researched hives and it is basically an allergic reaction to food or medicines. My hives are pretty much all gone today except for a couple but I am just freaking out. I haven't found anything link between steroids and hives but I have never in my life been allergic to anything!!!!! I think my body might be telling me that my body is rejecting these two supplements? When I didn't lift I was fine but when I lifted, the body part I lifted becomes unbearable when I go to bed and I'm breaking out in hives. Has anyone else experienced this, either the horrible pain or the hives? This is the first time in my life I've tried any kind of steroids so I am would not know if the pain is normal or if the hives are normal. Any answers would be much appreciated and calming to help me figure out what might be the problem. Thanks!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    i have never had hives and i dont know anyone who has had them from aas.
    if u could use paragraphs in ur next lengthy post my adhd would appreciate that.
    and 3rdly .. no test?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    TX via South LA
    i have never got hives, from that combo.

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