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Thread: Quick Question?

  1. #1

    Quick Question?

    I use AAs more as a supplemtent really....I am an athlete and when I am in off season i use whatever I think will help for me to achieve whatever goals i set out.... For example If i wanted to gain weight I ate right and alot and toke some d-bol and Test prop............and When i wanted to slim out i just ran alot and did winnies.........Ive done alot of research and I know that there is much better ways to go about this with different cycles , stacks ect....But my thinking is I am just taking a supplement i cant buy in GNC....So My question is That I would like to cut down , So i know my diet is fine, but what should I take with winnie for example to amplify my results....Deca? Eq? Maybe Test E... I can only get my hands on the basic stuff so anything thats not in the ordinary I dont think I can get? Any suggestions would be helpful thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mountaineer Country
    Cutting is based on diet and cardio mainly and you use things like test to maintain muscle while calorie deficient and winny masteron etc to "harden" the muscles.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Agreed, though it's proven that some steroids will help with a little fat loss, for the most part this is pretty insignificant. Those steroids are much greater for what Marty said, hardening, vascularity, etc.

    I would stack test with winny, not winny with test.

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