Hey I was wondering about how effective drugs like propica and Dutastride are for preserving hair while on cycle.
Well my dads still has hair, but a receding hairline, and well its a bit hard to go back to my moms dad because he died in his mid 20s, so its kind of difficult for me to tell whether I’ll be affected my the dht.
I have close to a full set of hair; I have a little receding, though it is very minor. My brother on the other hand lost quite a bit of hair and he is only two years older then me though he started losing his hair at 16.
Well I guess my question is do these products work? Is there a product that stands out? What were your experiences?
This would be for my first cycle of either;
Test E 500mgs/week for 10 weeks
Test propionate and winni
I’m planning on doing this in about half a year or so.
Thanks guys