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Thread: Animal kit's service sucks?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Animal kit's service sucks?

    Does Animal's service typically suck? I overnighted $160 for the fina kits/vials I need on Wednesday, and still haven't heard from him...the thing that's starting to piss me off is I paid for next day shipping. Just wondering if he typically makes people wait or what?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    anybody ever have good luck using animal?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I know he has nice quality stuff but yes the service can be frustrating. I did something similar and got my money back. He should come through for you..but this is not something you expect for a legit business.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    what do you mean you got your money back?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Well basically A seems to make price/ordering info changes via his message board and not the website. I sent him a money order that was filled out like it said do. But he had asked people to not send money orders filled out in the message board. Now when I buy things online..I pretty much follow what the website that has the order info. Well this was not updated and he wouldn't process my order so he returned my MO..of course a few days went by on this hehe. So I went elsewhere since this shouldn't be that difficult.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    wait a second, how did you fill the money order out?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    he wanted it BLANK. Not to anyone. That is all I know. I filled it out to his company which he would not take. Kinda sucks but hey I am just the consumer.

  8. #8
    G-S Guest
    Stick with Chemm's service Bronco. Save yerself the headaches.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    A is top notch if you follow his directions exactly however he did recently change his mailing address and didn't do it on his website ordering page but in the board post. You may well have sent it to the wrong place and the money order has to be blank or he will "get to it when he feels like it." He is smart as hell but his people skills definetly suck. He will never scam you but you better go to the board and see if you made any mistakes or you may wait a while to get those kits.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    finally sent it out the conformation email right after I ordered 8 kits from mr. t.... Oh well, we'll see if he's any better as far as time is concerned. I'm gonna have 16 conversion kits, haha

  11. #11

    A's Service and Kits

    Bros, if you are into the kit thing and know of Animal, you have to check in on his site regularly to make sure there are no changes. I have never had one problem with A and have ordered atleast 20 or so kits (different ones from time to time). He sends out kits within 2 days of receiving his donation. Yes, we all have days when something gets in the way and he may not send out for another day or 2 so that makes it 4-5 days. Not bad considering alot of sources have a 1-3 week turnaround.

    Animal has approximately over 500 customers give or take a few. That's alot of bros to take care of in his type of business. Especially if he runs out of filters, oil, or who knows what. I know he orders his materials constantly but sometimes those run behind as well. Hell, I ordered an item (non gear or kit) from a online store and had it shipped 2 business days UPS and guess what? UPS didn't get it to me for 4 days.

    Anyway, his kits are top notch. Yes there are other Fina Kits out there, but I'm not sure if anyone has the kits to convert into Test, Dbol, Winny, Anadrol etc. Plus, his prices on filters are cheaper than anyone I've seen.

    Yes, A speaks his mind and some may think he has a shitty attitude. This is the good ole USA and he can do that. People will still come to buy his kits because he knows his shit.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    well, first he's not a source, he's a legit business. Second, why in the hell would he not change the info on his web site to match that in his forum? Now I admitt that 4 days, not counting saturday, isn't an increadible amount of time, but when I order something next day delivery, and get it 6 days after money is recieved, that kinda stings..well 6 days if I get it today. I have nothing against him, and from what I hear he has a quality product...just not increadibly impressed with the customer service aspect of his gig.

  13. #13


    I'm sorry you feel that way bro. He is human and made a mistake on your order. If you ask him about it he will most likely work it out on the next order. Yes he is a source. He is a source for kits. They may be legal and not a controlled substance, but I don't have kits or sell kits so I am not a source for kits. No bashing here bro, I think it is all a shipping mistake and that is it. Talk to him bro.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Oh, I am not making any comments about him personally. I originally posted to see if this was something I should have been expecting, or a fluke, that's all. I'm sure he's a great guy, and hoping his kit, when it does arrive, is of the quality everyone assures me of. No bashing on my end either.

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