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Thread: dbol and var only

  1. #1

    dbol and var only

    how does this look for a cycle, other than "it'll mess up your liver" what positive results will I achieve. I am 6'2'' 195lbs about 14% body fat.

    I plan to do

    week 1-4 20 mg dbol
    week 1-8 60 mg var
    wee 8-10 40 mg nolvadex

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    everyone will chime in telling you its a bad idea, hellmask recommended something similar before. wait for his input.

    imo though, 8 weeks is gonna shut you down, maybe run some sorta test booster with it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I suggest that if you end up doing this take out the D-bol and do the Var only, Var doesn't convert to estrogen so you won't even need the nolvadex and Var is very mild on your HPTA so with a natural Test booster like Myogenx 3 caps a day you would be fine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Your PCT should be nolva at 20mg for 4 weeks.

    Very poor cycle,but you will get a little buzz I guess.I do like the idea of Dbol and Var.

    I would go Dbol 20mg 8 weeks.
    Var 40mg 8 weeks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by mixtnconfuzd
    how does this look for a cycle, other than "it'll mess up your liver" what positive results will I achieve. I am 6'2'' 195lbs about 14% body fat.

    I plan to do

    week 1-4 20 mg dbol
    week 1-8 60 mg var
    wee 8-10 40 mg nolvadex
    You don't need orals but need the most anabolic thing on this planet and that is food...At 6'2" and only 195, you should be able to add a good 30 lbs by just eating correctly...While your pouring this food down the hole, spend some time researching anabolic steroids as the cycle you posted is not the best.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jefferey
    You don't need orals but need the most anabolic thing on this planet and that is food...At 6'2" and only 195, you should be able to add a good 30 lbs by just eating correctly...While your pouring this food down the hole, spend some time researching anabolic steroids as the cycle you posted is not the best.

    Very true,infact this guy should not cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    run some test with your cycle, or nothing at all

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    Quote Originally Posted by BigShrek
    run some test with your cycle, or nothing at all

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    not repeating, speaking from experience

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    so you've run a dbol/var only cycle? and not had any gains whatsoever and wish you had included test in it? cuz if not you're parroting.

    oral cycles might not be optimal, but the whole "oral cycles are useless" parroting that goes on on this site is retarded. I've seen friends get decent gains from oral only cycles. in fact right now I have 3 friends on dbol only you they all keep at least 10lbs...which should not be considered a waste of time in anyones book.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    riding styles donkey
    im var only right now. been good so far, ill this week though.
    thought about adding dbol

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I agree with this snr punk.

    The parrots are a joke.Oral cycles work very well.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by mixtnconfuzd
    how does this look for a cycle, other than "it'll mess up your liver" what positive results will I achieve. I am 6'2'' 195lbs about 14% body fat.

    I plan to do

    week 1-4 20 mg dbol
    week 1-8 60 mg var
    wee 8-10 40 mg nolvadex
    How long have you been lifting?

    Why did you choose these compounds over what is traditionally recommended here?

    What do you want to accomplish?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I would say just use the var

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Oh and welcome to the board!

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Jefferey
    You don't need orals but need the most anabolic thing on this planet and that is food...At 6'2" and only 195, you should be able to add a good 30 lbs by just eating correctly...While your pouring this food down the hole, spend some time researching anabolic steroids as the cycle you posted is not the best.
    I've studied anabolics for quite some time I've done two cycles first cycle was test prop, and winny. Second was tbol and winny. I like my physique and dont want to get too huge but about 10 - 15 more lbs of extra lean muscle would be very nice. I am not overly experienced but I am not a rookie

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Very true,infact this guy should not cycle.
    too late for that advice.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    I totally agree but I knew the squawking would come.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    I agree with this snr punk.

    The parrots are a joke.Oral cycles work very well.
    Yes from experience oral only cycles do work well. The reason I wanted to use dbol in the beginning instead of just var only is quite simply to add some mass and hopefully my remaining four weeks of var will solidify any gains I have made plus harden me up and remove any excess water. Of course with a strict diet in place.

    question I heard that var makes you very vascular, does dbol make you vascular at all.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    How long have you been lifting?

    Why did you choose these compounds over what is traditionally recommended here?

    What do you want to accomplish?
    Im 28 years old I have been lifting since I was 21 and have gotten very strict with my gym regimen since about 25. I hope to keep a lean physique actually get leaner down to under 10% body fat. I want to add 10+ lbs of muscle.
    I picked this over traditional cycles because all you hear on these boards are
    "throw some test in there","get some test up in ya" "no test no cycle" ya get my point. I did test prop before I couldnt walk for a freaking week, I got watery as hell and did not get the physique I was after. I did tbol and winny and got more of the type of results I was after. Tbol is a little weak though even at 80mg a day. This is what brings me to dbol and var.

    I like the fitness look, not the powerlifter look. I know dbol will make you hold water but that's why Im using a lower dose and then following with four weeks of var only.

  21. #21
    it sounds all gravy I guess, but my question is, if you only want 15 more lbs, why do anabolics and screw with your nat. hormones? You could get that naturally and not have to go through all the hoops and stuff - so close.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by mixtnconfuzd
    Im 28 years old I have been lifting since I was 21 and have gotten very strict with my gym regimen since about 25. I hope to keep a lean physique actually get leaner down to under 10% body fat. I want to add 10+ lbs of muscle.
    I picked this over traditional cycles because all you hear on these boards are
    "throw some test in there","get some test up in ya" "no test no cycle" ya get my point. I did test prop before I couldnt walk for a freaking week, I got watery as hell and did not get the physique I was after. I did tbol and winny and got more of the type of results I was after. Tbol is a little weak though even at 80mg a day. This is what brings me to dbol and var.

    I like the fitness look, not the powerlifter look. I know dbol will make you hold water but that's why Im using a lower dose and then following with four weeks of var only.
    Ok cool.

    Like Snrf said, there are a few that have done Dbol and Var together...Hellmask being one of them, I believe. I can't give you much advice there, as (1) never used the combo, and (2) I hate Dbol.

    I think you're discounting a good prop/winny or prop/____ cycle before really giving it a chance though...Most water retention is easily maintained through proper diet and AI use. Not that I'm preaching the benefits of test, but still...

    It sounds like the goals you want can be acomplished through a variety of cycle combinations...and this seems to be one of them (albiet more of an experiement).

  23. #23
    All right I did alot of reasearch. went to and bought the book, It was worth every penny. I will be starting this Cycle and keeping you all posted.

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