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Thread: Test E. 250 or 500?

  1. #1

    Test E. 250 or 500?

    Hey whats goin on guys, im starting my 1st cycle in not ot long and im wondering if i should do 250mg a week or 500? im gonna runn it for 10 weeks and inject once a week. What would the difference in gains be between the two, and my source told me that if i only do 250 a week i dont have to use nova or anything like that i can just use tribulus once im off it is that true? and if it is would i have to use nova if i bump it up to 500, i mean would 250 even be worth taking? thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    for your first cycle i would say yeah you would get some gains off of 250 per week but i wouldnt trust your friend about not doing a PCT afterwards....however im starting my first cycle soon but since im running deca 300 with it i have to keep my test higher so since i have test e 250 i'll do 2 shots per week....hope my rambling help out a lil....if not these guys on here know alot more about AAS then me im sure u'll get some better help

    good luck with it btw

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by Revolver08
    Hey whats goin on guys, im starting my 1st cycle in not ot long and im wondering if i should do 250mg a week or 500? im gonna runn it for 10 weeks and inject once a week. What would the difference in gains be between the two, and my source told me that if i only do 250 a week i dont have to use nova or anything like that i can just use tribulus once im off it is that true? and if it is would i have to use nova if i bump it up to 500, i mean would 250 even be worth taking? thanks.

    What are your stats and goals for the cycle? Answer all the green questions in my signature. Test E should be shot every 3.5 days to keep blood levels more stable.

    Welcome to AR

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    okinawa, texas
    2x a week every 3.5day... and yes u need a pct.... your friend is stupid... pct needed for steroids.. unless you want gyno or want to lose everythign you worked hard for...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    okinawa, texas
    oops sman12 beat me to it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by scribbs12
    2x a week every 3.5day... and yes u need a pct.... your friend is stupid... pct needed for steroids.. unless you want gyno or want to lose everythign you worked hard for...
    who doesnt want to lose all ther gains and get boobs. Isnt that why we juice in the first place LOL.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    ill bet anything hes under twenty and his boys gana get deca dick very soon...research aas for yourself not your friends

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by anonymous
    for your first cycle i would say yeah you would get some gains off of 250 per week but i wouldnt trust your friend about not doing a PCT afterwards....however im starting my first cycle soon but since im running deca 300 with it i have to keep my test higher so since i have test e 250 i'll do 2 shots per week....hope my rambling help out a lil....if not these guys on here know alot more about AAS then me im sure u'll get some better help

    good luck with it btw

    ^^^ I would say the same the Test E every 3.5 days like Sman said..obviously without the deca. PCT is a MUST. Personally Im going to run Hcg during my cycle followed by the Nolvadex PCT...and maybe some OTC stuff. Take it for what its worth...I got hounded...But just as important as ur dosage is ur diet and training. Eat good and big, train right...ur set.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by t_machine7
    ^^^ I would say the same the Test E every 3.5 days like Sman said..obviously without the deca. PCT is a MUST. Personally Im going to run Hcg during my cycle followed by the Nolvadex PCT...and maybe some OTC stuff. Take it for what its worth...I got hounded...But just as important as ur dosage is ur diet and training. Eat good and big, train right...ur set.

    yeah man i hear you, my diet and routine have been real solid for the last few years so i decieded it was time to start since gains were getting harder and harder to make

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Use nolva only if you feel the onset of gyno, but have it on hand from the start

    you DO need pct even at 250/week

    you would still get gains from 250 mg/week ( it depends on how close you are to your genetic potential, if you are very close you'd get good gains if you have 6 months of trainng gains would be very little)

    however if you are somewhat experienced you could bump up that dose a bit and ypu can do something in between, like injecting 250 mg every 4th or 5th day..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    from what you said about your source i wouldnt say hes very trustworthy

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