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Thread: Height problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Height problems

    Hi guys i know its unrelated Question about use of steroids , but as i started using at a age of 18years old i realise that i have actually stunted my growth plates and i am 21 now unable to grow taller further

    do anybody here knows about the Bone lengthening thing?

    which the doctors performs a major operation on your legs and you screw it in to stress on the bones in order to grow taller with 6-12months of suffering

    can anybody help me dig out as such as possible info on this ?

    by the way i am 21years old and 174cm tall 90kg weight :O)

    i wish i can grow like 6 - 10cm taller please help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    The reason why

    Quote Originally Posted by elitetky
    Hi guys i know its unrelated Question about use of steroids , but as i started using at a age of 18years old i realise that i have actually stunted my growth plates and i am 21 now unable to grow taller further

    do anybody here knows about the Bone lengthening thing?

    which the doctors performs a major operation on your legs and you screw it in to stress on the bones in order to grow taller with 6-12months of suffering

    can anybody help me dig out as such as possible info on this ?

    by the way i am 21years old and 174cm tall 90kg weight :O)

    i wish i can grow like 6 - 10cm taller please help!
    Sorry about your situation bro. I am not sure what can be done to help you. Unfotunately, your thread is a perfect example of why so many on this board want new and especially YOUNG steroid users to research the facts before attempting a cycle. It is why stats are required and experieince requested. Finally, I have no idea if what you say happened is truly a result of AAS. You and I are not medical specialists. I would suggest getting a few opinions before coming to a conclusion. You simply may be predispositioned to be shorter.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    i dont think that bone lengthening surgery is legal anymore, and it certainly wouldn't get u 6-10 cm even if it was

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    how tall are you?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I dont believe I grew any taller since age 18 myself.
    and I did not do any steroids back than.

    so i feel you are really betting on some long odds, thinking you will grow taller at age 21.
    Get over it..
    More than likely estrogen from your steroid cycles did not stunt your growth but u stopped growing at 18 anyways, so even if you have some suspicions, I think they are far fetched.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    check it out
    Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    i knew of a few people that grew when they were 20y old, it hapens but it is rare, once the growth plates are closed, that is it. the kid who asked this has no clue. ther inst a steroid in the world that can make you taller. growth hormone does work for those who have opne growth plates, at 18 years old, you missed the boat. this is as tall as you will get, if you want to get taller,get some shoe lifts and some doc martin boots
    again you are correct but dwarfs and if you have the money there is a painful procedure that can be done . it only works on the long bones of the body like arms and legs.
    A large metal pin is drilled through the bone at booth distal and proximal ends of the bone. Then an erector set of a kind is attached to the pins with a device that allwos the bone the pulled in opposite directions along the same axis. this pulling causes the bone to break and fracture at millimeter a day with each break new bone is formed and over time the bone is lengthened , up to 12 inches for the long bones in the body.
    I have seen several of these procedures done over the past 10 years with very good outcomes. while it be almost impossible to get the procedure done on a normal person of normal hight in russia where this procedure was developed it would just require the cash.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    i dont think that bone lengthening surgery is legal anymore, and it certainly wouldn't get u 6-10 cm even if it was

    Snrfmaster it is still a common procedure usually done on people with limbs that are of unequal lengths. It can be done in russia on people of normal hight who would like to be taller but its not worth it it will leave scares and it hurts.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    No sources
    Quote Originally Posted by cj1capp
    check it out
    Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    i knew of a few people that grew when they were 20y old, it hapens but it is rare, once the growth plates are closed, that is it. the kid who asked this has no clue. ther inst a steroid in the world that can make you taller. growth hormone does work for those who have opne growth plates, at 18 years old, you missed the boat. this is as tall as you will get, if you want to get taller,get some shoe lifts and some doc martin boots
    again you are correct but dwarfs and if you have the money there is a painful procedure that can be done . it only works on the long bones of the body like arms and legs.
    A large metal pin is drilled through the bone at booth distal and proximal ends of the bone. Then an erector set of a kind is attached to the pins with a device that allwos the bone the pulled in opposite directions along the same axis. this pulling causes the bone to break and fracture at millimeter a day with each break new bone is formed and over time the bone is lengthened , up to 12 inches for the long bones in the body.
    I have seen several of these procedures done over the past 10 years with very good outcomes. while it be almost impossible to get the procedure done on a normal person of normal hight in russia where this procedure was developed it would just require the cash.
    I actually find that very fascinating. But to have it done just because you feel your too short I feel is ridiculous. I saw this in that movie with Ethan Hawke.

  9. #9
    i thought that surgery was only for dwarves etc. Anyway its not so bad being short if your shoulders are double with width of anyone else in the room!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Is 174 cenimeters 5feet7 inches?

    That shit seems crazy! I wouldn't go through all that stuff just for some extra inches.

    Just work on getting bigger/wider.

    Also you have a bodybuilding advantage. Easier to fill up those limbs with meat to appear bigger.

    By the way I did my first horrible cycle at 18 too. Was 6'3''ish now I'm 6'5''.

    So maybe you were going to be that height anyways??? How tall is your family on both sides?

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