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Thread: opinions on prospective cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    opinions on prospective cycle

    im gonna make this simple, im goin 12 weeks with hcg and nolvadex afterward. im getting arimidex for during the cycle. my original plan was 250mg of test and 400mg of eq a week. do you guys think for a 5'10 180 pound first time user that is too little to gain over 20 pounds? i was thinking of going for 500mg of test alone because boldenon 200 is impossible to find. will 500mg of test be enough to reach my goals without being fat and bloated? thanks, all opinions are welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    the arimidex will help you with the bloat. i don't think you need the hcg for this one bro clomid will be fine post cycle..
    i still got a little bloat on my cycle even though i was running
    .5mg ed of arimidex nothing too bad. depending on your diet, and genetics you could gain 20lbs. off of 250mg of test. personally i would run 500mg of test gear affects everyone differently bro what works for one might not work for the next.
    this is what i ran for my first cyle
    dbol 50mg wk 1-4
    Cyp 500mg wk 1-10
    deca 400mg wk 1-10
    arimidex .5mg ed throughout cycle
    clomid 3 weeks after last shot
    noval on hand, and i gained 28lbs. off of this cycle bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    i was counting on using arimidex .5mg every other day. should i bump it up? also since EQ is impossible to find, i might go with deca say 500mg test and 400mg deca. deca lowers the androgen level right? but will i have any chance of getting impotent off this? will the 500mg test cancel it out?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    500 mg test
    400 mg deca
    arimidex I would run it at .5mg everyday through out cyle
    bro i never experienced deca-dick from this cyle (temporary impotence)
    with the ammount of test you'll be using compared to the deca pretty much you'll be a walking hard on. you know that noval will not help with deca induced gyno. make sure you get clomid for post cycle therapy. you might want to throw dbol in there to kick start your gains cause the deca, and test wont kick in till the 3rd week of your cycle bro.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    kreper, i PMed you. from what big cat at says, deca doesnt sound worth it, it supresses your test so hard and its tough to keep the gains. i may just go with 500mg of sust alone, is that a worthy cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    regaurdless of water retention, doesnt arimidex keep gyno at bay?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    looking at papa pumps cycle, how about an 8 weeks sust 500mg, eq 400mg cycle frontloaded at 750mg sust and 600eq for the first 2 weeks?
    does it make sense to waste the money and buy extra vials in case they are really underdosed and/or i lose some in the whole process?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    Originally posted by Diesel
    I would definately go with 400-500mg of the test.
    If you do go with EQ, IMO you will not need the Arimidex as the EQ will eat up any water retention from the test.
    If you go with deca or Test alone, I would run it.

    Diesel is right here bro, the eq will take care of any water retention you might have from the test, whereas deca wont.
    i would try as hard as possible to get eq if you can. sides are minimal and overall, its just a better choice. arimidex will help with gyno, and it would be a good idea to have some sort of anti'e on hand just in case, but i dont think you will need it with this cycle. keep in mind, if youre of the impatient sort, the gear wont kick in until week 4 or so, so you might want to kick things off with some dbol. 30-40 mg ed for the 1st 4 weeks.

    dbol 30-40mg ed weeks1-4
    test enanthate 500mg /week split into 2 injections
    eq 400mg/week split into 2 injections

    so each shot would be 250mg of test and 200mg of eq............a total of 2cc's per shot.

    peace bb79
    Last edited by iron4life79; 08-06-2002 at 04:01 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    thanks barbell, yea that does make sense. im gonna stay away from the dbol because of its supposed only temporary effect and the high risk of hair loss. if i can find the stuff though, i WILL go for test and EQ. thanks.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    im still thinking of how papa pump got 15 pounds in a week on this stuff.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    My first cycle was almost identical to yours
    1-10 Sust 250mg
    1-10 EQ 400mg
    7-12 Winny 50mg ED
    13-17 Clomid
    Liquidex throughout

    I gained 18 lbs off of this cycle! I only lost 6 so far and I'm cutting at this point...I would go with 500mg of Test though...Wish I would've listened to BigKev, 4Plates, Billy Boy and all the others who said I should upped the test to 500mg...I thought they were all crazy , but I was the one who was wrong.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    big rush what is your avatar?

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