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Thread: Superdrol

  1. #1
    saucemonkey52 is offline Junior Member
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    i have 36 pills over superdrol that expire 8/08..,.the pills havent been sealed in the whole time they were laying around in a zipllock bag wuld that make the exp even earlier? now i wanted to see when the best time to dose 10 mg was at the beginning or the end of a cycle

    days 1-4 -10 mg ed
    days 5-21 - 20 mg ed


    days 1-17 - 20 mg
    days 18-21 - 10 mg

    with nolvadex for pct for 3 weeks at 40/20/20 ed
    ? thanks

  2. #2
    dupa95's Avatar
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    Run it 20/20 and yull fall short but you will like the results better.

  3. #3
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    b careful using nolva w/ SD

    its caused gyno problems for SOME members here

  4. #4
    dupa95's Avatar
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    No gyno here but always have letro on hand.

  5. #5
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    letro shouldnt be needed while on cycle cause SD cannot aromatize

    post cycle is when gyno seems to rear its ugly head in either from progestin issue using nolva, or from estrogen rebound from either doing an incorrect/not doing pct at all

  6. #6
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    letro shouldnt be needed while on cycle cause SD cannot aromatize

    post cycle is when gyno seems to rear its ugly head in either from progestin issue using nolva, or from estrogen rebound from either doing an incorrect/not doing pct at all
    Then it shouldn't be a progestin issue if its in PCT, IMO.

    There is nothing that suggests SD is a progestin. If anything, it should be DHT based. I've ask for more evidence of this....Without much luck.

    Every case that has been discussed has been an improper PCT issue.

  7. #7
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    Then it shouldn't be a progestin issue if its in PCT, IMO.

    There is nothing that suggests SD is a progestin. If anything, it should be DHT based. I've ask for more evidence of this....Without much luck.

    Every case that has been discussed has been an improper PCT issue.
    See thats the thing!! It was suggested by a VET on here (stocky i believe) that SD exhibits progestinic properties...some members have had problems using nolvadex during pct w/ sd due to nolvas upregulation of the PgR and SD's apparent "progestininc properties". You're 100% right in SD being a dht based roid...its a cross between masteron and mestanolone.

    Thats the one thing ive never been able to tack down with this stuff. How does a DHT roid exhibit progestinic properties? And another thing to note, SD has a short half life (~6hrs), so how would nolva contribute to gyno 2 weeks into pct if the SD's been broken down that much?

    The only conclusion ive ever been able to make is that when you alter and modify steroids into these OTC roids available everwhere, theres no way of telling how they're gonna react once inside the human body--aka what we know about conventional roids will not necessarily translate to these designer roids

  8. #8
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Got the PM bro...Thanks. I'm gonna read over that slooowwwly.

    I've been a little combative over this discussion because everytime I ask, someone has "heard" or had a problem during PCT. Never once had a problem during.

    And just because Nolva doesn't solve your gyno prob while ON...Doesn't mean its progestin either. It's never been effective for me while on. EVER.

    It could be another case of Drol's mysterious "estrogenic" properties...

  9. #9
    saucemonkey52 is offline Junior Member
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    OK i have 42 pills now i can run it at 20/20/20 but someone give me a sample pct ... i guess nolva was not the choice for PCT? and can someone exaplin to me what letro is .. thanks

  10. #10
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nolva or Nolva/Aromasin should be fine for PCT IMO.

  11. #11
    saucemonkey52 is offline Junior Member
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    arite so how shul di run it.. for 3 weeks at 40 20 20??

  12. #12
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    Got the PM bro...Thanks. I'm gonna read over that slooowwwly.

    I've been a little combative over this discussion because everytime I ask, someone has "heard" or had a problem during PCT. Never once had a problem during.

    And just because Nolva doesn't solve your gyno prob while ON...Doesn't mean its progestin either. It's never been effective for me while on. EVER.

    It could be another case of Drol's mysterious "estrogenic" properties...
    The whole nolva thing i was referring to was taking it during post cycle...Thats where I've read members have had probs w/ gyno

    SD shouldnt give you ne problems while on cause it cannot aromatize--although someone posted in the supp forum today that they thought they were getting the onset of gyno during their cycle..but again who knows about the possible progesterone issue, it could be enuf to aggravate progesterone gyno while on

    I wish I had a goddamn lab and the smarts to figure out what the hell is up w/ superdrol

  13. #13
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    I ran Nolva all the way through just for lipid concerns...No issues.

    The fact that everyone has a problem AFTER leads to a couple of conlcusions:
    1) Designer Supps "pushed" their PCT product...Which didn't work as well as many hoped. There are plenty of cases of this one...Activate, I think?
    2) Nolva alone wasn't strong enough.
    3) Just negleted PCT all together.

    I think the level of suppression was downplayed with this stuff, and it came back to bite some people...Especially new users that haven't had a great deal of experience with juice.

  14. #14
    dupa95's Avatar
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    I run 20/20/20. Then nova liquid 60/40/20 Never a prob with gyno. but I may not be as susceptible to gyno. DOes not mean I wont get it. When I run my test cyp cycle i will run letro during. I don't want moobs.

  15. #15
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    I ran Nolva all the way through just for lipid concerns...No issues.

    The fact that everyone has a problem AFTER leads to a couple of conlcusions:
    1) Designer Supps "pushed" their PCT product...Which didn't work as well as many hoped. There are plenty of cases of this one...Activate, I think?
    2) Nolva alone wasn't strong enough.
    3) Just negleted PCT all together.

    I think the level of suppression was downplayed with this stuff, and it came back to bite some people...Especially new users that haven't had a great deal of experience with juice.
    ohhh alright i gotcha

    100% agree w/ you in how the strength of SD was downplayed so much and how ppl thought the Designer Supps pct products were gonna do the job for pct

    I cant tell you how many kids at my school ive spoken with have run/or are running SD cycles, and every time i ask em "what are you doing for pct?", the answer is always "novedex xt by gaspari"

    I try to explain how its not enuf but they never listen...ignorant bastards

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