There is a couple of other things to consider here. I have been reading in different books that the new school science of cycling is shorter and at larger doses. Now depending on your experience with anabolics doses and lenghth of time will very per person. Regarding Deca short cycles at high doses would not apply because it does take at least 5wks to start getting results at doses around 400-600mgs a week. Doses of 800- 1000mgs a wk do tend hit a little faster. NOW if talking about test from what im reading 750-1000mgs week for 5wks would be great to elevate plazma levels to the proper thesh hold for maximum results on a shorter cycle get in get out logic. This keeps us from prolonged use and potential damage to the different organs, thus even using the TIMEON=TIMEOFF logic you could reasonably do 6 CYCLES per year, EXAMPLE= 2 bulking 1 cutting, 2 more bulking 1 more cutting. SOMEBODY mentioned receptor sites, again from my research of reading it is beleived that what we used to think about multiple type of receptors is not true their is only one TYPE of reseptor site, which brings us back to stacking on your cycle it is VERY important to under stand your ANABOLICS they have half lives thats why anabolics like SUSTENON have a make up of 4 diferent compounds this isnt by accident that they produce roids like this. Each one of those compounds in SUSTENON has a different half life which allows for less frequent injections due to the lenghth of testosterone peaks at different times . EACH of the four compounds are fighting to reach these receptor sites and there are only so many receptors. If the compound does not reach the receptor before the end of its life it will be excreated as waste OR worse yet move on because it has no use at the receptor site and convert to ESTROGEN which is only giving us negitive results. NOW you can see why simply longer and higher doses is not always better! You need to research and KNOW what your taking and how it works and reacts in the body. IF your taking 2 coumpounds that have a simular make up you could be just throughing your your hard earned money down the toilet because they are competing for the receptor site one will not make it to the site just sitting there and yet worse cause unwanted side effects.......