Read the board rules!
Read the board rules!
bio you have been a member for a week
Did you read the rules?
obviously not
this is getting retarded... there needs to be required test that newbies take before they can even post.
Your going to get a dozen scammers now.
sure I read the rules but I have apotential supplier and I need to know if he is legit..
bio will be on next week
Help injected motor oil thinking it was test!!!good price though
Originally Posted by bigdog81
For whatever it's worth I'm not looking for a supplier I have one .
However I've been around these sights for quite a few years...
i dont think you can get a pm without like 100 posts bio...i may be wrong though
its true... yrs>? you joined in 07 bro..
also... the rules state that you should pm a mod.. they are too busy to pm you about a source..
I don't get it you ask for a little help from a mod and all I get is dumped on.
If a MOD. would please PM me I would greatly appcreciate it..
Biotec why don't u stick around and relax and get to know people and read around and learn something. You are asking for trouble by posting this. And reread the rules bro.
Originally Posted by bigdog81
I just joined this site in 07 however I've been to many other sites...
Bio...And for some reason i'm not able to PM a MOD or I would have .
Maybe U can help me figure it out...
Originally Posted by STYLE74
Thats not a problem ,However the problem that stands is I have a potential supplier in another country and I would like to know if he is legit before I set up a sale..
Hey brother just hang out for a bit a mod will not pm you. If you can find a mod that will do source checks then thats cool read there signature. BUT you have to be a member for 45days and have 100 posts before you can get a source check. Just hang out dude.
You think they are going to bend the rules for you?
No I don't I didn't know I needed to wait or I would not have asked.Originally Posted by MartyMcFly
Patience my friend....Originally Posted by biotec4
I've been "New Member" since Oct 2005 and I am still working my way up to the 100 posts - very patiently ...Originally Posted by biotec4
we are not flaming you... just tryin to help educate and also.... help you from getting scammed ...
juju said in the third post "did you read the rules?" i have been on this board for a long time and i do not have 100 posts either so just hang in there. but if you read on and do a little search nobody really will say that something outside the u.s. is ok. jmo
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