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  1. #1
    bartender99 is offline New Member
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    Newbie here Fat Loss Help Please

    Hi guys

    I was a water polo player in college and have recently gained some weight as a result of a reduction in available workout time. I am 6"5' 250, and am looking to get down to about 210. I really do not care about gaining musscle, I want to get rid of the fat around my stomach (I miss my abs) and everywhere else on my body. I know that when you loose fat it becomes musscle and all that, really what I want is to be cut again. I still run and lift but am looking for that little extra help to get the fat off.

    What can you guys recomend. I plan to do one or two cycles to get back down to where I want to be and then use regular excercise and diet to mantain my ideal body type. I have no experince with steroids , the only suppliment I ever took was hydroxy cut which did not really wow me.

    Please help.

  2. #2
    Ginerik1's Avatar
    Ginerik1 is offline New Member
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    Diet and cardio and no cycles!

  3. #3
    bartender99 is offline New Member
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    Diet and excercise are not doin it for me. My body is used to working out six hours a day which is what I did all 5 years of college and 4 years of high school pretty much year round. My metabolisim and apitite are set for that. Running helps but it is not doin the trick.

    Thats why I need the extra help.

  4. #4
    Texans01 is offline Junior Member
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    Test will help you burn fat. Also check out the cutting agents like Winstrol & Clen on the profile board. Good luck.

  5. #5
    bartender99 is offline New Member
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    ok so stacking testostorne win and clen would help??

    what kind of dosages should I be looking at
    Last edited by bartender99; 03-28-2007 at 12:31 PM.

  6. #6
    Ginerik1's Avatar
    Ginerik1 is offline New Member
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    I understand your plight. I too am looking to lose some more bodyfat. I started at 265 and now I am at around 230 and my goal is 215-220. My problem is that I shed the initial 30lbs pretty quickly and quickly but now it has become more difficult. I'm doing cardio every morning then hitting the weights in the afternoon followed up by another session of cardio. I've also got my diet right, eating only quality food 6-8 times per day without exceeding 2200 calories per day. It can be quite frustrating staying this committed and not seeing any further results but I plan on continuing it while progressively increasing the intensity of my workouts. I believe that consistency will enable me to reach my goal and would do the same for you. Good luck!

  7. #7
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bartender99
    Diet and excercise are not doin it for me. My body is used to working out six hours a day which is what I did all 5 years of college and 4 years of high school pretty much year round. My metabolisim and apitite are set for that. Running helps but it is not doin the trick.

    Thats why I need the extra help.

    Post up your diet.

  8. #8
    bartender99 is offline New Member
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    my diet varies day to day but I try to limit my calories to under 2500. I also try to eat several times a day, but that doesnt awlays happen. Lately I have been doing a lot of turkey and chicken with minimal carbs.

  9. #9
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bartender99
    ok so stacking testostorne win and clen would help??

    what kind of dosages should I be looking at

    Your not ready to be cycling. You don't even know what the compounds are, and you wanna just put it in your body.

  10. #10
    bartender99 is offline New Member
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    ok so tell me what I need to know, tell me what steps to take, tell me what to read, educate me, that is why I am here

    I dont wanna jus tthrow some stuff in my body, I want to learn about the stuff, decide if its waht I want, figure out what I need and go from there.

  11. #11
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bartender99
    ok so tell me what I need to know, tell me what steps to take, tell me what to read, educate me, that is why I am here

    I dont wanna jus tthrow some stuff in my body, I want to learn about the stuff, decide if its waht I want, figure out what I need and go from there.

    For starters, post your diet in the diet section and read the sticky by Rambo for cutting.

  12. #12
    bartender99 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DARKSEID
    For starters, post your diet in the diet section and read the sticky by Rambo for cutting.


  13. #13
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    there are many educational sticky on this board that cover diet, working out, and cycles.You have a lot to learn. Not just about AAS but about your body. Who told you that the fat you loose turns into muscle? More often then not unless someone really knows what hey are doing when they diet and work out they go catabolic and loose at least as much muscle as fat. This usually results in overall weight reduction, a reduction in actual fat, but an increase in bf%.That is right, usually people end up loosing weight but becoming fatter percentage wise when dieting.
    Test can help you retain muscle mass while dieting and i prefer T3 to clen .
    my first word of advice is that you seriously spend some time learning about nutrition though. How did you come up with 2500 calories? Carbs are not the enemy by the way. You also need to figure out how many grams of protein , carbs and good fats you need. You don't need to count calories and %s for the rest of your life but you need to do it long enough to have a pretty good idea of what you are eating. Telling me you eat a lot of chicken and fish, tells me you have no clue what you are eating (even if you think you do).

    I went from 250lbs at 6 foot down to a lean muscular 227 in about 8 months, then due to medical problems could only do limited lifting for 5 months and dropped to 195. Currently I'm at 216 on cycle and trying to build some of my lost size back. so I'm speaking from experience. Calories need to be figured out according to your lbm and activity level. then make a slight reduction in calories and work out for slow fat loss while maintain muscle.

  14. #14
    nbkandrew13's Avatar
    nbkandrew13 is offline Member
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    you need to learn to love research cause guys can make suggestions but noone knows your body like u

  15. #15
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bartender99
    ok so tell me what I need to know, tell me what steps to take, tell me what to read, educate me, that is why I am here

    I dont wanna jus tthrow some stuff in my body, I want to learn about the stuff, decide if its waht I want, figure out what I need and go from there.
    No one can explain how to properly use AAS, what compounds will suite your body, and how to reach your goals. No one here knows your body, as much as you do. All we can do is aid you, give you helpful tips and advice on choosing the right route to take.

    Reading your other posts in the thread, IMO your making excuses in order to use AAS, thinking it will burn off the fat and put on slabs of muscle, w/o a strict diet and a strict training regime it wont.

    You say you did heavy exercise in your HS and College years, well start it up again bro, dont be lazy, keep focused and dedicated.

    You years away from venturing into AAS use, you dont know what compounds are what, what dosages to take, and how to properly cycle. Educate yourself first.

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