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  1. #1
    souljaman is offline New Member
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    Need advice on first cycle

    I am 20 years old, 5'11 and 155 pounds. Thinking about starting a cycle sometime in the near future and wondering what you guys think would be a good starter. I have been on a 4000 calorie diet for the past couple of weeks tryin to bulk up a little bit. Need some help please.

  2. #2
    s0up is offline New Member
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    If you just want to bulk up a little bit, and you don't have any previous steroid experience, you might want to try something mild such as anavar or andriol . I don't have personal experience with anything aside from anavar, but my friends are very involved in steroid use . The gains you get from var are extremely solid, well maintained, and they look great. It will cut you up and give you more of the model/martial artist look, where test & other more potent steroids such as d-bol, and anabol cause the "body builder" look. The gains you would get from a cycle like d-bol or anabol are much harder to maintain, due to the excess of water retention.

    Before putting anything in your body, do your research and find out what is best for you. Some of the side effects from the more potent steroids are very hard to keep in check, and require additional drugs to restore your test levels(off cycles such as HGC/Clo)

    Don't take my word for anything, you need to find out for yourself!


    Also, you want to have a solid frame before doing roids or you will just blow up and shrink back to normal. Get some muscle memory first!
    Last edited by s0up; 03-28-2007 at 04:55 PM.

  3. #3
    Lunacy's Avatar
    Lunacy is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by souljaman
    I am 20 years old, 5'11 and 155 pounds. Thinking about starting a cycle sometime in the near future and wondering what you guys think would be a good starter. I have been on a 4000 calorie diet for the past couple of weeks tryin to bulk up a little bit. Need some help please.
    Wait for the roids. You have plenty of growing to do only at 155. You can pack on ~25 pounds in the next 2 years natty. Keep eating big and wait on the juice. I think you are a little young as well.

  4. #4
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunacy
    Wait for the roids. You have plenty of growing to do only at 155. You can pack on ~25 pounds in the next 2 years natty. Keep eating big and wait on the juice. I think you are a little young as well.

  5. #5
    Outta Kontrol is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunacy
    Wait for the roids. You have plenty of growing to do only at 155. You can pack on ~25 pounds in the next 2 years natty. Keep eating big and wait on the juice. I think you are a little young as well.
    agreed. and if you are working out intensly and regularly then 4000 cal is like the minimum.

  6. #6
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Outta Kontrol
    agreed. and if you are working out intensly and regularly then 4000 cal is like the minimum.
    4,000 clean cals is not a minimum. I walk around at 205 and maintain at 3,700 to 3,900. This guy can't be eating 4,000 cals and not gaining weight at 155. I just don't buy it. Thread starter, post what you ate yesterday and I'll give you a hand with your diet.

  7. #7
    souljaman is offline New Member
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    Meal 1; five eggs, toast, 6 pieces of bacon, bowl of grits, and weight gainer shake
    Meal 2; Fried chicken breast, mashed potatoes, and the weight gainer
    Meal 3; same as meal 2
    Meal 4; Two cans of tuna and quite a few spoonfulls of peanut butter.
    To tell you the truth man i probably aint hittin 4000 calories just yet but thats only cause I have been broke and dont get paid till tommorow, dont really have any real high calorie meals. The only thing that i got goin for me till tommorow is the weight gainer and that shit is nasty as hell. I've got somewhat an idea of what my diet is going to consist of but proly need a few pointers.

  8. #8
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Quote Originally Posted by souljaman
    Meal 1; five eggs, toast, 6 pieces of bacon, bowl of grits, and weight gainer shake
    Meal 2; Fried chicken breast, mashed potatoes, and the weight gainer
    Meal 3; same as meal 2
    Meal 4; Two cans of tuna and quite a few spoonfulls of peanut butter.
    To tell you the truth man i probably aint hittin 4000 calories just yet but thats only cause I have been broke and dont get paid till tommorow, dont really have any real high calorie meals. The only thing that i got goin for me till tommorow is the weight gainer and that shit is nasty as hell. I've got somewhat an idea of what my diet is going to consist of but proly need a few pointers.

    OK, not to flame you but that diet SUCKS and is no way near a good diet to bulk up with.

    Try eating better foods, not FRIED more often at least 6-8 meals a day NOT 4

    check out the diet section

  9. #9
    souljaman is offline New Member
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    I know this. I have read the diet section and tommorow i will start a diet close to the weight gain diets that have listed. I just dont have a penny to my name at the time, the army doesnt pay a whole lot so i dont have the foods i should be eating. One question though, why not the fried foods?

  10. #10
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Hey man, I just got out of the Navy last year and I know how hard it is to eat right. You can make your own weight gainer shakes for dirt cheap. Go pick up a bucket of instant oats, couple of gallons of milk, some whey protein powder. Blend 1.5 cups of milk, 2 scoops of whey, 1.5 cups of oats, and you can add yogurt or natty peanut butter. Great for about 500 or 600 cals easy. Where are you stationed, if you don't mind?

  11. #11
    souljaman is offline New Member
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    I might have to try that cause the weight gainer i have is just ****in horrible. Im stationed in Ft. Eustis, Virginia man. Yea and like you said, with my work schedule it is really hard to find the time to get these 6-8 meals a day.

  12. #12
    Adam F's Avatar
    Adam F is offline Associate Member
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    Fried Food has a lot of Trans fatty acids which are hydrogenated fats. (Longer Shelf Life In the Grocery Store)

    Foods that we eat, including margarine, crackers, soups, potato chips, corn chips, doughnuts, cookies and cakes, can now stay on the shelves longer without spoiling, which saves manufactures money. For the same reason, this process is also used in oils used for frying foods.

    Trans fatty acids (or hydrogenated fats) tend to raise total blood cholesterol levels and LDL (bad) cholesterol. Additionally they lower HDL cholesterol, the good cholesterol. This increases fatty buildups in arteries and raises the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

    Both saturated fats and trans fatty acids should be limited in the diet.

    The four main types of fatty acids are:

    1.Polyunsaturated fatty acids
    2.Monounsaturated fatty acids
    3.Saturated fatty acids
    4.Trans fatty acids

    polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids tend to lower your risk of heart disease

    Saturated and trans fatty acids are unhealthy fats because they tend to raise your risk of heart disease.

    Solution: eat more vegetables and fruit, fish, shell-fish and other seafood, whole grain breads and cereals, peas, beans, lentils and nuts. It also helps to choose oils and fats that contain a high proportion of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids.

  13. #13
    souljaman is offline New Member
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    Thanks for that post bro, lots of help. I have been trying to get as much info as i can before really gettin my diet set.

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