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Thread: Stanazol from RWR (nature vet) fake or real

  1. #1

    Question Stanazol from RWR (nature vet) fake or real

    Just a quick question about nature vet (RWR) stanazol. Just picked up a few 20 ml bottles and wanted to know if they are real or fake. Can anyone help me out in this situation.

    Description of bottle: purple top B. (12302) Exp. (march 04) DOM. (march 02). Cannot find any pics of box and bottle on the internet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I also have a few bottles! there is on white one and one brown!
    I haven`t used it but a freind of mine did and get good results!
    Buy looking at the printing and labeling they seem to be real stuff

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    from your description it sounds legit although usually the batch number gets scraped off by the original seller as the feds can use this number to trace the origin of the bottle. just inject it and if it hurts like hell for days after then you know its real. hope this helps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    just got mine mregalado the same description u gave lot no is stamped aswell as the expiry date and date of manufac. Used it yesterday and it still hurts like hell feels like a bruise on my delt i think mines the real stuff try it out and ull know.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    The pain means your injecting it too fast or not right !!!
    If you inject milk real fast it will also hurt !!!!!!
    that`s not a good signe to go by
    I read on that most rwr are real
    go to their site and search the board for:rwr stanazol or winney

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