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Thread: is my dbol real????

  1. #1

    is my dbol real????

    ok i was thinking of buying some dbol from the guy i usually get my gear from and he has never ripped me off before. He says these are made by ttokkyo and they are 25mg pills, i have never heard fo ttokkyo 25mg tabs before. They are pentagon shaped, with a t in the middle of one side, and a line in the center of the other side. I have heard of 10mg ttokkyo tabs, but never 25 mg ..hope you guys can help me. Im just kinda being cautious.thankz alot fellas

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Sounds like bullshit to me ttokkyo does not make a 25mg/pill that im aware of the one you described if its maroon color than it is 10mg winny by tokkyo but not 25mg/also you never mentioned what steroid it was!!

  3. #3
    its supposed to be dbol

  4. #4
    check the ttokkyo website and find out for yourself. good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    damnit, i went to the ttokkyo website and had a faint hope they sold there, wishful thinking

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