Thread: summer cycle - critique
03-29-2007, 11:29 PM #1
summer cycle - critique
I have this itch to run equipoise and see if its bullshit or good for me, but do I really want to waste a summer on it? i ran deca w/test last cycle and loved it, however im in inclined to see what works, i guess im just talking to myself cause we all know trial and error with aas.
1-16 500mg test E/week
1-16 700mg bold undecly/week
1-8 var @ 100mg ed
10-16 mast prop @ 400mg/week ( should i replace with E and start at 8 and end at 14?)
letro .25mg ed or eod
pct of nolva,aromasin ,hcg (worked great for me, lost 2lbs after gaining 23 while on)
I'm ruling tren out, tried it, its not for everyone.
Does this cycle look feasible ? I'm looking for 15-20 LBM with my abs ripped for REHAB all summer @ Hard Rock. Am I in the right direction ?
205, about 11-12% BF, 6'1, work out one sometimes two muscles a day. 4x3x12x8x10 per muscle with increasing weight. thanks.
03-30-2007, 06:17 AM #2
good cycle bro best of luck
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