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Thread: What NOT to take Winny tabs with

  1. #1

    What NOT to take Winny tabs with

    This may have been discussed before but i couldnt find it in the search forum

    anyhow, i take 3 winny tabs when i wake up, and 2 before i go to bed

    what should i or should i not be taking them with? i usually take 2, pound a protein shake, then a glass of water and go to bed

    just wondering if they get absorbed better with anything certain,

    thanks fellas, mexicali

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Take some grapefruit juice with them on the off chance that absorption is truly improved by it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I always took mine with about 6oz. grapefruit juice 30 min. prior to working. Grapefruit juice aids in the digestion process. I've heard that you should take it with any 17aa.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Yes Grapefruit juice or orange juice speeds up absorbtion...

  5. #5
    well gf juice it is then

    so should i split up the pills/protein shake or will they be all good together?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    dowhatever you want...take the pills with the protein shake...or take em sometime esle

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    how many mg r the tabs? is winny all you are doin?

  8. #8
    they are 10mg tabs, taking them with 400mg/wk EQ

    and I figured I could take them with the shake or sometime else, just wanted to know if taking them with the shake would hurt the absorbtion process or not, but thanks anyways


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Okay bud, winny has a half life of about 4-6 hours. therefore, what works better for most and for me, is split your dosases about every 4 hours. In other words, if you are taking 50mg a day, take 1 10mg tabs in the morning noon take noon 1 10mg tab and 3 tabs prior to your workout. The reason you want to take more before you workout, is winny gave me an incredible pump and I found that if I took more tabs before I workout not only did it help with my endurance in my workout, but it made my muscle full and pumped after my workout I
    do winny with just about every cycle, and with all of my experience with taking winny, I find that it works better for me this way. Try it, I think you will see what I am talking about.
    BTW, 75mg a day, worked really really well for me. I have tried 50mg a day, but didn't see a drastic improvement until I upped my dosage to 75mg a day.
    Also taking with GF or OJ works great as most said here. Also take plenty of ALA's and drink plenty of water when you do a 17AA.

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