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Thread: Clen/T3 Question

  1. #1

    Clen/T3 Question

    I used to take Clen and Cytomel as tabs but as of late I've been taking Clen/T3 in its liquid form. I'm in week 4 of 6 and for the last 3 weeks I've been getting bloody noses.

    It really seems to have gotten worse since St Patties day where I went out and got Tonsillitis, so the doc put me on some sorta antibiotic. Anyway, has anyone ever known or experienced Clen/T3 causing bloody noses or is it possible that its something else that warrants me going to the doctor?

    I'd hate to just go to the doctor just because I have a bloody nose but it seems like its been going on for a longer time then a normal bloody nose should be going on for.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    i think your BP is up, and i wouldnt go mixing perscription meds with other stuff. Get off your cycle, finish your meds, then see if you feel right enough to get back on.


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