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  1. #1
    Tank75 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2006

    Conflicting information about TBOL detection time?

    Hello All,
    I am planning on my second cycle this summer (stats: 23 years old, 6'1" 245lbs, 10%bf). I was planning on using test prop 100mg/day and stacking it with tbol.

    I already have everything, but I was looking around at this site and it says that tbol (turinabol / NANDROLONE PHENYLPROPIONATE ) has a detection time of 11-12months in the 'detection times' location ( ). However, in the 'steroid half-lives' section, it says that nandrolone phenylpropionate has a half-life of 1 day ( ).

    I am a drug tested athlete so I can't risk taking something that will be detectable for a year, but I could have sworn that oral tbol tabs would be detectable for 5-6 weeks like DBOL tabs. If detection times are too long, I'm going to have to order some winny tabs or anavar if I can pony up that kind of dough.

    So, What is the detection time for TBOL tabs?

    Thanks for Everything,

  2. #2
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    Interesting, you are right that is ambiguous. I personally would not risk it, they burn you at the stake now a days for a positive test. I certainly would not take anyones word here for something that important, go with the winny, IMO.

  3. #3
    Adam F's Avatar
    Adam F is offline Associate Member
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    This is a pamplet that my docotor gave me on Steorid drug testing. The information was gathered from NCAA for urine and Hair Folical test.

    Please note I cannot Vouch for how accurate this statement might be due to the fact that I have never personally been tested for Steroids .

    How long do steroids stay in your system?
    18 months+ * nandrolone decanoate
    nandrolone undecanoate
    nandrolone laurate
    boldenone undecylenate
    9 months** nandrolone phenylpropionate
    nandrolone cypionate
    methenolone enanthate
    trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
    3-6 months** testosterone -mix (Sustanon & Omnadren )
    testosterone enanthate
    testosterone cypionate
    trenbolone acetate
    drostanolone propionate
    clostebol acetate
    methandriol dipropionate
    3 months injectabel stanozolol
    injectable methandienone
    1-1.5 months*** oxymetholone
    oral stanozolol
    testosterone propionate
    oral testosterone undecanoate
    oral methenolone acetate

  4. #4
    Adam F's Avatar
    Adam F is offline Associate Member
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    1-2 weeks clenbuterol
    * Long-chain esterified injectable steroids are the most unreliable in terms of determining an actual clearance time. Their extremely low water solubility and high affinity for fat give them the ability to be stored in small amounts in body tissues for many months after use. These are the most dangerous types of drugs for tested competitors to use, particularly when being administered heavily in the off season.
    ** Short or medium chain esterified injectables are cleared from the body more rapidly than long chain injectables, however are still somewhat inconsistent in terms of calculable clearance times. It is safest to use such compounds only in the off season, provided this season protects the user from drug testing.
    *** Oral steroids are the most reliable in terms of rapid clearance time. In many cases the athlete can safely use such compounds three weeks out from a drug test and return a negative result. The time frame of 1-1 1/2 months was provided as a guideline for maximum safety. The short chain esterified injectable testosterone propionate was included in this category due to the fact that testosterone metabolites will only cause a drug test failure if they appear in unusually high quantities (in relation to epitestosterone metabolites). Should agencies adopt procedures that look for the actual esterified compound in blood, this would be moved to one of the categories listing other small to medium chain steroids.

  5. #5
    Tank75 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2006
    Okay... well thank you for everyone's help. I figured that oral pills wouldn't last more than a few weeks, so I'd imagine I should be fine, but there's a lot on the line so I don't know exactly what to do yet.

    Thanks Again for your time and help.

    Best Regards,

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