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Thread: Insulin Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Insulin Questions

    I've taken a few cycles before and I was thinking about taking Insulin. I've gotten a little info on how but I was wondering if anyone has taken it or known anyone who's taken it and what kind of results can i expect from it? Also any other info anyone can give me would help too.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    its not something to fuck with, read up on it, there are volumes on this site alone...

  3. #3
    If you do decide to take it get Humulin R. The stuff that only last four hours. There is a lot of info on this site about the specifics, just be very cautious. In my opinion, make sure you are in a controlled setting for that four hours. I started taking insulin, but couldn't continue, because my schedule is such that I didn't have four hours in the day that I could pay total attention to my body. Also, when my friends found out, they told me it was stupid as hell, and wouldn't leave me alone until I told them I would stop. IMO the risks overshadow the benefits. Just do a lot of research. Hope that helps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    chances are your friends dont know shit about it, insulin the most anabolic hormone you can take. (no flame intended, but we mock what we dont understand) if you are smart about it and read up, take proper precatious (like forementioned, 4 hours duration, having someone help/watch you, eating properly, taking the correct type, etc...) insulin can work wonders...good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by djdjdjddjon
    its not something to fuck with, read up on it, there are volumes on this site alone...

  6. #6
    Bro, I am pretty experienced with insulin (I am diabetic and take it by prescription), and have used it very successfully in my cycles. BUT, you HAVE to be smart about it. The most common problems arise when you find a dose that works, but get an itch to increase the dosage. Research slin very very well before taking the plunge. But if you research it enough, there is no reason you can't successfully use it. Here are a couple pointers to help you out.

    1. Always start at a small dose and SLOWLY work up. Stay at a dose for at least 2-3 days before deciding you need more. Sometimes, other outside factors can effect how you react to a dose. 5ius may seem okay one day, and borderline too much on another. Make sure you are very comfortable with an amount before increasing.

    2. Always have high GI foods/drinks around within easy access. A LOT of them. If you start going hypo, you'd be suprised how fast you can down a carton of OJ and 3 candy bars....

    3. ALWAYS aspirate! I know this is elementary, but myself and some other people I know have fucked this up before. After a while, people tend to start getting cocky and just plain lazy. If you inject slin into a vein you have about 1-5 minutes to save your life. Trust me, it's NOT fun.

    4. Eat at least 10g carbs for each iu injected immediately following the shot. So if you shoot 8ius, then consume 80g of simple sugars/carbs within the first 10 minutes following inject. Then depending on which type of slin you used, consume a balanced meal of carbs/proteins between 45min to 1.5hrs after the shot.

    I can't think of anything else off the top of my head, but DO A LOT OF READING. Look in the educational threads forum, there is a lot of good info there. If you have more questions or want personal experiences, feel free to ask.


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