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Thread: Howz My First Cycle Looking?

  1. #1

    Howz My First Cycle Looking?

    EQ 1-8 400mg
    DBOLS 1-6 35mg ED
    TEST CYP 1-12 400 mg
    Winny 6-12 50 mg EOD

    20mg NOLVADEX daily starting from 3rd week

    if i am running nolva should i run CLOMID at the end too?

    This is my first cycle. 20 yrs old. 180 at 10 %

    Goals: gain 25-30 pounds and loose some fat

    Diet: 3-4k cals.
    Carbs: Oats, appless, bananas, brown rice, potatoes, yams, brown bread.
    Protein: Chicken Breast will be my staple, Steak, Egg whites and Tuna fish.


  2. #2
    shame less bump

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    goals are unrealistic bro you wont gain that amount and lose some bf now way, you may gain 15-20 keepable but to be honest I stopped having expectations a long time ago that way I cant get dissapointed. Drugs are just a part of it without the combination of all things you wont get anything out of it. I would guess you could keep 15 from that cycle and thats just from my experience, I woulldnt run nolva every day as it has been shown to lower igf1 levels I would rather use liquidex/armidex or femara, if you really cant get them and are gyno prone keep the nolva on hand and use it if u get any signs, I would also run the cyp and eq to week 10 and then winnie on to week 12 that way you can go straight onto clomid at the end 3 days later!!


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