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Thread: Will I gain right?

  1. #1

    Will I gain right?

    I am about to go on t400 1 cc a week for 10 weeks and d-bol 30 mg a day for 6 weeks. My questions is I am 5'9 aout 180 lbs. I hve about 20-25%bf and I know I need to cut up but I want to bulk first before I cut. I was wondering if I will get fatter and my gut get bigger whilebulking, or will th musclegrowth help even me out? I plan to bulk lean.......say cabs early tapper off as nite approaches, 40 g protien for 4-5 meals and some fat. Does tis soun good?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    5'9 180 @ 25%...ill bet u 100$ that your bodyfat isnt more than 15 or so. NO way unless you are a pillsbury dough boy/michelin man MIX.

    just keep cals clean, stay away from fast food, sugary foods...go to the diet section and search some posts...ull find all u need and then some.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    If you are 20-25 you definately need to cut first. Do your cycle you planned but gear your diet toward cutting.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    If I were you I would start walking running bike anything that would help you lean out some It's better to bulk on a leaner frame or you will look like a big bloted fuck. not meant to burn you just saying what I would do.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I would cut first, beacuse if you are 20-25% BF then it would just go up if you were to bulk. Full contact advice is good start doing some cardio on an empty stomach in the moring, just wake up and start running, walking bikeing what ever

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