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  1. #1
    lil-SLIM is offline Member
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    Nov 2005

    tri-trenabol 150?

    I was reading about this substance...

    "Trinabol is a combination of three esters of trenbolone . The presence of the acetate ester allows trinabol to display a rapid initial physiological response. The other two esters, which release at slower rates, prolong the physiological response with a relatively flat absorption curve over the duation of the injection life-cycle."

    I was a lil confused though cause they say that an effective dose is 300mg a week, does that mean that it can be administered twice a week like tren e or should it be done ed like the tren ace?

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Pick either tren ace or enanthate . Do go the tri tren. Your blood levels are going to fluctuate all over. There is no way to keep them level with 3 different time releases.

  3. #3
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    I don't like pre mixed ester blends. Its the worst of all worlds. You need to inject more frequenlty because of the short ester if you wish to maintain consistnet blood levels, yet you have to wait for the longer ester to clear when your getting ready for PCT. I assume the blend is more expensive then buying tren Enanthenate and Acetate seperatley on a mg per mg basis but I could be wrong.

    If it were me I'd rather have the enanthenate and the acetate and I can mix right before injecting, if I need to for some reason like front loading.

  4. #4
    lil-SLIM is offline Member
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    actually the tri tren is the same price and the reason I was considering it was cause my source is out of tren e which is what I wanted to do. I found another source with tren e but its way overpriced so I thought I would try the tri tren

    My source also suggests tren depot 100 at 75mg eod, does that sound like a better option?

  5. #5
    lil-SLIM is offline Member
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    id rather do tren that I could inject twice a week

  6. #6
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    When you say tren dpeo do you mean tren base?
    I thought that needed to be at least ED but I could be wrong, I've never used it. So i can't advise i would have tried it but the base is more expensive for me then either the Enanthenate or the acetate.
    FYI I have been using Tren E on this cycle and injecting 100mg ED - to keep levels consistent, plus I have to inject ED for the masteron anyway. Its a really small Ed injection - which makes it painless for me.

  7. #7
    vadim_b1's Avatar
    vadim_b1 is offline New Member
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    I always found Tri-tren injected ed or eod awesome. Im not saying regular acetate or enanthate is worse, its just i got much more kick from Tri-tren than any other BD trenbolone .

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