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Thread: sustanon fiasco

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Unhappy sustanon fiasco

    Yesterday evening I had my first steroid injection: sustanon 250. The stuff is supposed to be original, as I live in India and bonafide SUSTANON is found cheaply at any pharmacy. I was injected in the deltoid region by a friend doctor and everything looked fine. However, the reactions were disappointing: I couldn't properly digest the dinner nor did I have a good sleep. In the morning I had a mild diarrea and I spent the day horribly indisposed and can't think of food nor gym. I might have a mild fever too. I guess it should not be like this, eh?
    Last edited by patel; 03-31-2007 at 09:35 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Deltoid is ok ? no infection ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Apparently nothing wrong, though the area was a bit painful till morning.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I'd say it's one of two things: your body is adjusting to the juice, or the stuff you have is crap. I'm more inclined to think it's the former based on your description and the fact that you got it from a doctor, so I'd recommend pressing on with it, maybe this time inject it in your butt (not sure if this makes a difference, but can't hurt).

    Also, maybe it was something you ate? Sus usually makes me really hungry, although I get sick the first week as a reaction to the new substance in my body.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    The Sust would not do this in less than 24 hours if its legit, clean gear and your friend was using sterile needle and syringe and was reasonable careful about cleaning the injection site.

    "Test Flu" usually takes a week or so to develop. Even then, you only have flu-LIKE symtoms. Nothing as dramatic as you described.

    I think the timing just happened to hit when you were coming down with something else.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I Had Sus 250 Last Year After 2nd Injection I Had A Temp Of 104 And Was Very Sick I Went To The Docs He Knew What Was Up And Gave Me Antibiotics And I Never Took The Shit Again,

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by EXT
    I Had Sus 250 Last Year After 2nd Injection I Had A Temp Of 104 And Was Very Sick I Went To The Docs He Knew What Was Up And Gave Me Antibiotics And I Never Took The Shit Again,
    How would antibiotics help unless the gear was somehow contaminated with bacteria? More likely it was the result of unsanitary injection procedures.
    Anitbiotics only slow or stop the reproduction of bacteria.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I too was placed on antibiotics for a throat infection i belived caused by sust 250. No injection infections or stomach problems. Your body is probably just getting use to the stuff.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by EXT
    I Had Sus 250 Last Year After 2nd Injection I Had A Temp Of 104 And Was Very Sick I Went To The Docs He Knew What Was Up And Gave Me Antibiotics And I Never Took The Shit Again,
    Sorry, but he had no clue what was up. If you were getting test flu, its a reaction to the higher levels of testosterone. It is not an actual illness and it is not caused by a bacteria. Therefore antibiotics would do nothing. Furthermore, 2 injections would not have our blood levels high enough to actually cause test flu.

    Test flu is a bodily response or reaction. Not an actual disease that is curable. The only cure for it is to stop the test or drive on until your body adapts. Most everyone will get test flu the first time you do any test. It doesnt matter if its Test Cipionate,Test Enanthate, Test Propionate, Sustanon, or Test Suspension.

    Now if your gear was nasty and made in a urinal, then maybe you had bad gear that was not properly filtered and sterilized with Benzyl Alcohol. That could have caused any number of bacterial infections. Staphylococcus aureus, e.coli, and a dozen others I could name.

    As well, poor technique (as already mentioned) in your injections could have caused a problem.

    But most likely in either case you would have had a site problem. You would have had redness, area would have been warm to hot to the touch and likely tender.

    What was the antibiotic you were put on? This will tell me what he was treating with it.

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