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Thread: bruise after pec injection

  1. #1

    bruise after pec injection

    i got a nice bruise on my pec after an injection. the bruise showed up a day after the injection. the whole injection process was sterile. i aspirated with no blood. what can i do to make the bruise go away quicker. can i still train chest or will that slow the healing? any recommendations? the site isnt red or swollem and i dont have a fever or flu like jus freakin out cause i dont usually get bruises. the bruise is about the size of a quarter
    Last edited by operationgetbig; 03-31-2007 at 10:11 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lost in translation
    u r going to bruise sometimes, i dont think there is anything u can do about it. sometimes u will go all the way through a vein when u inject, thats when u r going to bruise. u can deff still train.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    u r going to bruise sometimes, i dont think there is anything u can do about it. sometimes u will go all the way through a vein when u inject, thats when u r going to bruise. u can deff still train.
    yeah im jus pissed cause it's right on my chest and it very visible.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lost in translation
    just tell everybody your GF got pissed and punched u, LOL (because it certainly wasnt from sticking a needle in your chest, if they ask anyway). i always feel a little weird when i bruise up on my arse, like everyones gonna see and be, "see i told u he juices!"

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    just tell everybody your GF got pissed and punched u, LOL (because it certainly wasnt from sticking a needle in your chest, if they ask anyway). i always feel a little weird when i bruise up on my arse, like everyones gonna see and be, "see i told u he juices!"
    yeah i know what you mean...i told my gf yesterday that i jus walked in to one of the poles that hold the weights on the weight rack like a moron. i got some arinca cream which is suppose to be good for healing bruises. im gonna try that out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I bet when you pulled the pin, blood was present and trickling at the site. Yeah, you hit a small vein. Shit happens. I get bruises all the time and can't remember where I got em. Don't sweat it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    It will fade, but takes some time - say about 10 days to 2 weeks. A bruise is blood under the skin - it happens some time when you're jabbing reguarly. I sometimes get them if I try and shoot bi's, especially my right cos I'm clumsy as fvck with my left hand. Damn things look like some kind of nasty bee sting!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by WelshWarrior
    It will fade, but takes some time - say about 10 days to 2 weeks. A bruise is blood under the skin - it happens some time when you're jabbing reguarly. I sometimes get them if I try and shoot bi's, especially my right cos I'm clumsy as fvck with my left hand. Damn things look like some kind of nasty bee sting!
    yeah ive been fine the whole cycle up until goin on week 9...i was real steady and apirated...i definately think i went straight thru a vein. after i pulled out, blood rushed out for a second then stopped once i put pressure with an alcohol pad.

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