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  1. #1
    eckstg is offline Associate Member
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    May 2006

    Need advice with diet/fat loss

    I am currently into week 12 of my cycle here's what I did for those 12 weeks : week 1-12 500mg test enan week
    week 1-9 500mg deca week
    week1-4 35mg dianabol day

    So last 3 weeks ive just done 500mg test enan a week and plan to just stay with it untill start of week 15 then i plan to do this : week 15-35 1000mg test enan week
    week 20-30 400 to 500mg tren enan week
    week 38-40 clomid pct

    Before I started my cycle I was very out of shape and have come a long ways since but not to where i want to be yet.I have lost quite a bit of bodyfat and gained quite a bit of muscle but i still have extra fat in stomach region i wanna loose asap.

    My diet consist of 4 protein shakes daily each with 60grams protein split throughout day and eat 3 times daily mostly bread,vegetables,pasta,meats, and milk.

    I do cardio on eliptical 4 times weekly twice at 30 minutes and twice at an hour.I would do it 6 times but im usually burnt after lifting weights the other 2 of six nights.I take sundays off.I seem to be loosing maybe a lb a week by the scales but i know it can't tell muscle ive gain opposed to fat lost.But i still have quite the potbelly.

    I also started using an eca pill 2 weeks ago which contains 20mg ephedra/200mg caffeine.I take one in the morning and another 7 hours later 45minutes prior to workouts to possibly help with fat burn and extra push in gym.I am also daily injecting 4ml SYNTHETINE™ - Lipid Transporter made by
    SYNTHETEK to also possibly speed the fat loss process and am currently into day 10 of that with about 18 more days to go before bottles dry.I realized after i purchased this that its really for people already with a low bodyfat percentage who use this stuff to help get superlow bodyfat %.

    I been reading on clenbuterol and thinking about trying it but not sure what would be my best choice considering my cycle plans.I don't know whats better to do
    A)-come off my cycle do clen rotated with ecg 2weeks back forth untill bodyfats gone down but afraid doin this ill just loose alot of muscle already gained in process .
    B)-continue planned cycle and slowly gain muscle and loose fat with test & tren enan but not sure doin this would burn the bellyfat but seems likely so considering what ive read about trenbolone
    C)-continue a low dose anabolic cycle like test enan at 500mg week or another anabolic like PRIMOBOLAN DEPOT at 400mg week that does'nt convert to estrogen and do clen&ecg rotation untill bodyfat% is lower.

    Or does anyone have any advice with how to speed fat loss process but same time preserve muscle you have and possibly gain more muscle in process?

  2. #2
    juju's Avatar
    juju is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eckstg

    So last 3 weeks ive just done 500mg test enan a week and plan to just stay with it untill start of week 15 then i plan to do this : week 15-35 1000mg test enan week
    week 20-30 400 to 500mg tren enan week
    week 38-40 clomid pct
    Dude, your cycle is going to last 9 months?

  3. #3
    eckstg is offline Associate Member
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    May 2006
    As of right now it possibly could be im not sure just depending on results throughout cycle before i decide to come off.I may come off sooner and just use whats left for cycles in future.Is a cycle that long suicidal in your opinion?

  4. #4
    Valac's Avatar
    Valac is offline Member
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    yes, ur gonna F**K ur body.
    avg cycle lenght is like bout 10-11 weeks. some go longer up to 20weeks and others for only 8 weeks. 38 weeks is just asking for trouble

  5. #5
    Outta Kontrol is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2007
    DUDE, is this your first cylcle????? I just don't know what to say.... Ummm Okay, June 2006 you had no clue about AAS (or PCT), you were 30 lbs overweight, andhad about 2 months of lifting experience. So apparently in less than one year time you have gain the cycle stamina to run a 9 month multi coumpound cycle!!!! you are talking about deca , tren , primo, clen , and the only thing for pct is 2 weeks of Clomid. This has to be a joke right? You are trying to cut and bulk at the same time. It Doesn't work like that man.
    From what I gathered from this thread is that you are not responding. What "normal" people do is stop and start PCT.

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