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Thread: Everyone loves newbie questions

  1. #1

    Everyone loves newbie questions

    6 foot, 215, 25yo, working out seriously for a little over a year, off and on since high school. Have done a six week winny only cycle in the past (didn't know any better at the time)

    Heres the deal guys. I am married and my wife's former boyfriend back in the day was a serious juicer and he was an ass apparently and she blames it all on his gear usage. So, needless to say she has a very negative opinion of the usage of aas. Herein lies the problem. She is no stranger to the side effects of aas. I know that if I put on 20 lbs of mass, get a little water bloated, and develop bacne, she's going to put two and two together. So, I would like to know the boards opinion of deca usage. I have learned that I must run test with it, correct? Advice on dosage for the two would be most helpful as well as any other thoughts. Also, is there anything over the counter that combats water retention very well? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Sackrete
    6 foot, 215, 25yo, working out seriously for a little over a year, off and on since high school. Have done a six week winny only cycle in the past (didn't know any better at the time)

    Heres the deal guys. I am married and my wife's former boyfriend back in the day was a serious juicer and he was an ass apparently and she blames it all on his gear usage. So, needless to say she has a very negative opinion of the usage of aas. Herein lies the problem. She is no stranger to the side effects of aas. I know that if I put on 20 lbs of mass, get a little water bloated, and develop bacne, she's going to put two and two together. So, I would like to know the boards opinion of deca usage. I have learned that I must run test with it, correct? Advice on dosage for the two would be most helpful as well as any other thoughts. Also, is there anything over the counter that combats water retention very well? Thanks.
    The phrase ive highlighted (in bold) tell me enough info that your not ready for gear yet bro.

    Your joint and ligaments wont be ready for the extreme strength gains one gains on cycle, and you could face getting serious injuries.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    The phrase ive highlighted (in bold) tell me enough info that your not ready for gear yet bro.

    Your joint and ligaments wont be ready for the extreme strength gains one gains on cycle, and you could face getting serious injuries.
    I agree 100% and if you learned enough to know that deca should be stacked with test, then you should know that first cycle = test only.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I also agree,

    you gotta build a foundation before you can paint the walls.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Give it another SOLID year of training, and teach your girl the real truth about steroids or get her on here and we will teach her for you. Then put together a cycle!!

  6. #6
    I appreciate the sentiment of caution and trust me, I'm not wanting to rush into anything. I'm trying to plan my cycle out well in advance so I can accrue all the necessary items for the cycle itself as well as appropriate pct. I am planning on starting at the end of the summer and am just trying to cover all of my bases. The sentence you highlighted may need some clarification. I have been lifting weights with consistency since I was 17. In the last 14 to 15 months I have been spending two and a half hours in the gym four times a week really hitting it hard. I'm not trying to jump the gun, I'm trying to do it right and would appreciate the help. Thanks.

  7. #7
    you can run a low dose of test with it if you want.

    for bloat, use letro.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I appologize I assumed that you had only been lifting a year seriously since your last layoff.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Markus_d
    you can run a low dose of test with it if you want.

    for bloat, use letro.
    Running a low dose of test isn't that bad of an idea but running letro is the overkill for combating bloat. I suggest a clean diet and if that doesn't help then ameridex at .25mgs every day would be more than enough.

    Edit: But the best idea would be to wait another year and run a proper cycle.

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