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Thread: questions about my cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Your mom

    Question questions about my cycle.

    I am going to start a cycle of fina, winny, and maybe a little test to keep the old pipes working. I have winny tabs and I was wondering if 30-40mg/day would give me good results? Also, can anyone tell how many fina carts the 10g kits will convert? From what I understand each cart is 2gs. of tren, so do the kits go by the tren weight or the totaly weigh of the powder?

  2. #2
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    my stats are 25 yrs old, 6'1" 270, 15-18% bodyfat (though it is dropping fast cause of lots of cardio and a strict diet), been lifting for 8 yrs. I hope this helps.

  3. #3
    I'd include a long estered test like enanthenate at trt doses 125-250mg.Over 125mg I'd include an AI like letro.
    I've never used winny at less then 50mg ED injectable(the results have been good for me but I'm 215 @ 6 foot). What is the dose on the pellets you are buying?

  4. #4
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    Mar 2007
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    200mg per cart, 20 per pill.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by danamial
    200mg per cart, 20 per pill.
    1 gram = 1000mg
    1000mg/200mg = 5 carts

    When you say cart you mean one row right? aren't there like 5-10 pills per row, then like 5 rows all togehter?

    Don't forget to add 10% for mysterious loss. I've never converted a lit myself but if they canconvert 5 i'd start with six to cover the loss. i do home brew and you'd probably get a better answer in the laboratory forum.
    Last edited by jagdpanther; 04-05-2007 at 11:45 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by danamial
    I am going to start a cycle of fina, winny, and maybe a little test to keep the old pipes working. I have winny tabs and I was wondering if 30-40mg/day would give me good results? Also, can anyone tell how many fina carts the 10g kits will convert? From what I understand each cart is 2gs. of tren, so do the kits go by the tren weight or the totaly weigh of the powder?
    50mgs is the minimum to make it valid cycle or independent contributor to your goals (the latter only if bf is in single digits), and 100mgs ED (50 x 2doses) for a genuine contribution. Big guys (muscle not fat) go higher...150-250mgs.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    There is 10 pills to a cart, the carts contain 200mg of tren.

    I have never used winstrol, a friend just gave me some tabs but it won't be enough to do a cycle. So I need to get more, that is why I was asking about the amount to take. I don't want the winstrol depot because that would mean taking 2 shots a day. I know the shots are better but I am going to do the tabs, should I take like 50mg+ or stay around 30-40mg?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Your mom
    Is 6 weeks to long to take the winny since it can be pretty toxic? I haven't cycle it yet so any info on the length time on it will be greatly apperciated.

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