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  1. #1
    gizlebit is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2002

    Painful Injections???

    Right now Im running Promastren 250. It contains 100mg of test propionate , 75mg trenbolone acetate, 75 mg dromostanolone propionate. I just started running it on Monday of this week. I have taken two shots and I'm running it EOD. I have never felt such pain before. Is this because of the test propionate? If so, will this pain subside and after how long? Thanks.
    Last edited by gizlebit; 04-05-2007 at 09:27 AM.

  2. #2
    grinder2939 is offline New Member
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    dont post your products lab names and the pain goes away after a couple of days you need to rub it out..

  3. #3
    Knoxston's Avatar
    Knoxston is offline Associate Member
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    get some sterile grapeseed oil mix it in with the syringe

  4. #4
    danamial's Avatar
    danamial is offline Junior Member
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    Some people are very sensitive to test prop and some people aren't bothered at all by it. I am very sensitive so I try to stay away from it as much as possible though its hard to because it is very effective. I found that taking only 50mg ed made it a little more bareable, but you can't do that because it is a blend. I also found that rubbing it intensly for like 4-5 minutes after the shot helped. Good luck with it.

  5. #5
    gizlebit is offline Junior Member
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    After my 3rd shot this pain feels as if it has gotten worse. It feels like im carrying 20 extra poubds on each ass cheek and it really hampers me from running effectively. The pain carries down my legs as well. I know it has to be due to what im taking and nothing else because I have ran gear before and never have had any pain what so ever before.

    Can anyone please tell if there is anyway to get rid of this pain. If not, I dont think I can do this for 8 weeks.

  6. #6
    gizlebit is offline Junior Member
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    Any advice?

  7. #7
    CYP400 is offline Member
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    how much are you using mate, i have used that product and it subsided after a couple of injections,great stuff though.

  8. #8
    jackman22 is offline Associate Member
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    Just to hold test prop without it crashing requires high Ba, wich makes shots painful. With the rest in there i can only imagine the pain. Buy sterile oil (grapeseed,sesame) and add to the syringe as stated above. This will but the concentration by alot and will help with most of the pain.

  9. #9
    danamial's Avatar
    danamial is offline Junior Member
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    try cutting the dose in half and take it everyday. I found that this helped me when I took test p. It was still painful but it was not as intense as the 100mg shots.

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