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Thread: is it a good time to go on a first cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    is it a good time to go on a first cycle?

    hi guys, just a quick newbie question... shall i go for it now?

    some technicalities:
    i'm 24 yo, i've been doing gym on and off for some (3-4y) time.. mainly for a good feeling and the atmosphere which is in there rather than for a look. a year ago i changed my attitude and decided to improve my body... i have spent stupid amount of money on all sorts of supplements and i've been pushing i'd say quite hard... unfortunately all of that with little success, for 11 months i managed to put on 10lbs

    atm i've been off the gym for 3 months as i've been doing accutane course. love this drug btw, changed my life by 100%. i've already set my mind, now i just keep reading stuff... the only thing i'm not sure is when to start?

    i'm back at the gym in 2-3 weeks time, is it the good time to start my first cycle?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    well if you havn't worked out for 3 months than definitely not

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    ok, so how long does the pre-work out should last before i'm allowed to do cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    i wouldnt yet personally. But if you do stay away from most orals because acutane is hard on the liver as is.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I worked out for the better part of 10 years, but was off for some time with a knee injury. Had been back for 6 months and still experiencing some problems. My base wasn't as good as I had thought. So in my recent experience, if your base isn't extremely good, you can't work out as hard as you want on AAS since you will hurt yourself so you have to back off your workouts and have a less than optimal cycle.

    I would suggest going at it hard for at least a year. Also check your diet. You should be able to put on more than 10lbs in that time if you are eating for mass.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by tommik
    ok, so how long does the pre-work out should last before i'm allowed to do cycle?
    lol you can cycle whenver you want, nobody can stop you bro.

    It isnt recommended when you have been out of the gym for as long as you have, b/c your joints and ligaments wont be ready to handle the extreme strength gains youll get off cycle, which could lead to injury.

    So i wouldnt recommend going on cycle bro, get back in the gym and give it some time, a full solid year or two or even better three or four, before you cycle. Take this time to read up on proper cycling methods, training, diet, PCT, AAS compounds, etc...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    jackman22 - for sure it won't be oral, i was thinking of the cycle based on deca.

    johnmacdan, GHO5T - i joined this community with a reason, i already set my mind and 1,2,3,4 years postpone time is not an option you have to understand guys that pure exercising works a little on me... i really, really want to change my look. we have to came up with some solutions for the above obstacles - together!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by tommik
    jackman22 - for sure it won't be oral, i was thinking of the cycle based on deca.

    johnmacdan, GHO5T - i joined this community with a reason, i already set my mind and 1,2,3,4 years postpone time is not an option you have to understand guys that pure exercising works a little on me... i really, really want to change my look. we have to came up with some solutions for the above obstacles - together!
    so why ask the question if your mind is already made up? Do the cycle like Ghost said. no one can stop you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by tommik
    jackman22 - for sure it won't be oral, i was thinking of the cycle based on deca.

    johnmacdan, GHO5T - i joined this community with a reason, i already set my mind and 1,2,3,4 years postpone time is not an option you have to understand guys that pure exercising works a little on me... i really, really want to change my look. we have to came up with some solutions for the above obstacles - together!
    You can change how your body looks w/o the AAS use.

    A solid diet and training regime can and will yield you great results naturally. If i were you i would contact some of the more experienced mods/vets here on AR. Contact IBDMFKR and ask his advice on diet, and im sure he can set you up w/ a great diet and training regime.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by tommik
    jackman22 - for sure it won't be oral, i was thinking of the cycle based on deca.
    johnmacdan, GHO5T - i joined this community with a reason, i already set my mind and 1,2,3,4 years postpone time is not an option you have to understand guys that pure exercising works a little on me... i really, really want to change my look. we have to came up with some solutions for the above obstacles - together!
    Not to flame bro but that post right their proves to me that your not ready. But what the hell your not here to impress me so please go right ahead and do a cycle based on deca, its not gona bother me any. Isuggest since you have already decided to go ahead and do a cycle atleat do a little more research and you will find that its not good to base a cycle on deca.My 2cc

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