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Thread: Got these three now , when and how much should i Do.....

  1. #1

    Got these three now , when and how much should i Do.....

    I just picked up some Test E, Eq/Boldenone and winnies..........I only have 10ccs of Test E and Eq......and have 20 ccs of winnie actually more liek 25 cause i have like 5 left over from my last batch...........I know Eq and Test e are twice a week injection and winnie is eod......I dont really have alot of cash so i got this and i know i prob should have at least 10 more ccs of Test E and eq but i dont.....I;m not positive when to start , or take them at different times meaning doing test e then then doing the Eq later in the stack or both at the same time! the moment if i did 400 mgs a week of Eq and Test E they would last 6 weeks.... and 25 ccs of winnies would last about 7-8 weeks at about 400mgs to 300 mgs a week depeing on which days they hit....I would appreciate any suggestions , Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    You don't have enough, JUST WAIT

    what are your stats and previous cycle history and goals

    OH and winny is ED not EOD active half life is only 8-12 hours

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