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  1. #1
    gym_rat_jason is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    sust, dbol, anavar cycle

    Please comment on the following cycke

    Week1: Sustanon 500mg/week + Dianabol 4tabs/day
    Week2: Sustanon 750mg/week + Dianabol 6tabs/day
    Week3: Sustanon 750mg/week + Dianabol 6tabs/day + Nolvadex 1tab/day
    Week4: Sustanon 750mg/week + Dianabol 6tabs/day + Nolvadex 1tab/day
    Week5: Sustanon 750mg/week + Dianabol 6tabs/day + Nolvadex 1tab/day
    Week6: Sustanon 500mg/week + Dianabol 4tabs/day + Nolvadex 1tab/day
    Week7: Anavar 40mg/day
    Week8: Anavar 40mg/day + Nolvadex 1tab/day
    Week9: Anavar 40mg/day + Nolvadex 1tab/day

  2. #2
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
    T3/T4 GSR is offline Senior Member
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    Jan 2006
    New York
    1,005 the sustanon a lot longer (12 weeks) and why are you stopping sust and adding var at the end?

  3. #3
    gym_rat_jason is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR the sustanon a lot longer (12 weeks) and why are you stopping sust and adding var at the end?

    Why else use anavr? Of course to get the cut. I think running sus for six weeks at such a high dosage (750mg/week) should be more than sufficient to give any 1st timer a dramatic increase amount of muscles. However, since they r test products, i have to cut down afteer that cause no matter how strict ur diet is, there will still be some fat mass dueing cycle. Thus, the anavar .

  4. #4
    Outta Kontrol is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Man, all of your posts are all over the place. i have no idea what your goals are, what your experience is, or what your AS knowlegede is. If this is your first cycle then just do.... You already know because you were already told. Oh and you might wanna think about reading the thread in the educational threads title: "How to Write a Post That Gets Your Questions Answered!"
    Last edited by Outta Kontrol; 04-07-2007 at 12:29 PM.

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